Personnel Committee 23/06/21

Meeting Date : 23/06/2021

2pm, Virtual Meeting

1. To appoint a Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received:           None

2. To appoint a Deputy Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received:           Mrs J James

3. To receive apologies for absence

4. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

5. To confirm as a true record the minutes of the meetings held on:

a) 18 November 2020

b) 13 January 2021

c) 3 March 2021

6. To consider the following reports:

02/21 Human Resources Management Report
The Report provides an overview of the work of the HR Team during the last quarter

03/21 Government Kick-Start Scheme
At Members’ request, the report outlines the government’s Kick-Start Scheme and PCNPA’s involvement with it.

7. Members comments are sought on the Authority’s HR People Strategy 2021/23

8. To approve the Bullying and Harassment Policy

Confirmed Minutes