Find out about the different stages your application may need to pass through before a final decision is reached. We aim to consider all applications as quickly as possible.
By submitting a completed Application Form and providing the necessary plans and supporting reports, delays can be avoided. Click the link to see the Welsh Government guidance on what is required when submitting an application. Applications can be submitted online via the Planning Portal.
When a planning application is received it is first checked to ensure that it is complete.
Once validated and registered, the application must go through a series of procedures as follows:
Delegated Applications
The National Park Development Management Committee have delegated powers to the Chief Executive to allow designated officers to approve or refuse some types of planning applications without the application being considered by the committee.
Delegated powers enable Officers to deal with applications more quickly than could happen if the application had to wait for the next six-weekly committee meeting.
We have a long list of people who are consulted on applications. The most frequently used are, externally, the town or community council, highway authority, Welsh Water, and Natural Resources Wales, and internally, the Conservation Officer, the Development Management team and the Ecologist.
We ask that their views are sent to us within 21 days so that the Officer handling the application can take them into consideration when preparing their report.
The majority of applications are publicised so that neighbours and the wider public are informed that an application has been made and are able to have their views considered by the Officer before a decision is made.
How to make your views known
A period of 21 days is allowed for anyone to write to the Officer with their views.
If you wish to view the application at the National Park Authority HQ in Pembroke Dock then you should either telephone 01646 624800 or email to arrange an appointment to come and view the file or view it via our website.
You are able to submit comments via our website, via email or in writing. If you are unable to comment within this time you should contact the National Park Authority to discuss whether a late reply is acceptable.
Where the application does not fall within a category delegated to Officers to determine, you will be sent a copy of a leaflet explaining your rights to put your views to the committee at their six-weekly Development Management committee meeting. A copy of this leaflet can be viewed using the link below and a form to request to speak at the meeting can also be printed.
When the Development Management Committee Report is published it is available for public inspection.

The Committee Meeting
Meetings are held every six weeks. The dates of future meetings can be found on the Committee Papers page.
The committee meetings are open to the public and to the press.
The applicant/agent, local councillor, a member of the community/town council, one supporter and one objector to the planning applications being considered at the meeting can address the DM committee before a decision is made under the public speaking process.
All committee members have a copy of all the reports that have been prepared by the officers.
The Members then discusses the proposal and can ask questions, through the Chair, to clarify any questions they have.
A vote is then taken on the recommendation. The committee is able to vote either for the Officer’s recommendation or they can take a different decision, which may result in an application being deferred.
After the Meeting
The Officers will prepare and send out decision notices for applications that have been determined.
There is a right of appeal against a condition of consent and the refusal of planning permission. See the section on Planning Appeals for the different types of appeal available and how to submit an appeal.
There is no third party right of appeal against a planning decision. Where a third party believes the decision has been wrongly made then they can apply for a Judicial Review of the case.
Where applications have been deferred or delegated, letters will be sent requesting the required changes/information.