The Deposit Local Development Plan Consultation closed 4.30 pm Friday 1 June 2018.
The Authority has prepared an Initial Consultation Report which gives further details of the Preferred Strategy Consultation process, summarises the main issues raised by the consultation, and provides summaries of representations together with the Authority’s response.
The Report summarises comments received on sites on the Candidate Site Register and new or amended sites received. The Authority’s response is also set out.
Deposit Plan Candidate Site Register
Deposit Plan New or Amended Sites
Even though the Authority has recorded its own views on the alternative or amended sites if stakeholders have a view on these sites they must be submitted as part of the Deposit consultation. There is potential for this to change through the Examination and stakeholders need to express their views on the alternative sites now using the comments form provided: Deposit Plan Comments Form
The Deposit Local Development Plan sets out:
- Where we are now: What key issues need to be addressed?
- Where we want to be: An overall vision for the future
- How we get there: A land use strategy for the Park identifying the scale of overall development proposed, where it will be located and what other strategic policies are needed to help implement the strategy.
- A Deposit Plan Key Diagram and Proposals Maps illustrating each of the Plan’s policies and proposals with a spatial component.
- A Constraints Map is used to show delineations which are determined by other mechanisms. The Constraints Map does not form part of Deposit Plan.
Supporting assessments and evidence
The Deposit Local Development Plan is underpinned by a large amount of technical studies, assessments, evidence and supporting information which includes a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and an Equalities Impact Assessment (link to Appraisals web page).
Supporting assessments and evidence can also be viewed on the Background Papers.
How can I get involved?
The Deposit Local Development Plan Consultation closed 4.30 pm Friday 1 June 2018.
Comments should be sent in writing to the Head of Park Direction, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, Llanion Park, Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire, SA72 6DY or may be emailed to The Inspectorate has provided a standard comments form to use.
If you require these documents in an alternative format, i.e. easy read, large text, audio please contact / 01646 624800.
What happens next?
All submissions will be acknowledged. The Authority may need to contact you to discuss your representation further. Please note that responses received will be considered by the Authority and a view reached by the Authority as to how the representations should be addressed through Examination. Respondents will be advised of the forthcoming examination hearing.
New and Amended Sites
Land allocations are set out in the Deposit Plan where details of consultation arrangements are also provided.
As part of the Preferred Strategy consultation an opportunity was provided to submit new sites or amend sites already submitted.
An assessment of which sites accord or do not accord with the draft Preferred Strategy was undertaken by the National Park Authority.
Even though the Authority has recorded its own views on the alternative or amended sites if stakeholders have a view on these sites they must be submitted as part of the Deposit consultation. There is potential for this to change through the Examination and stakeholders need to express their views on the alternative sites now.
Click the link to see the Authority’s guidance on the submission of sites at Preferred Strategy stage
All of the sites submitted have been included on a New and Amended Sites list (see table below) which enables anyone to view the sites that have been submitted.
The Table below groups sites by Community Council area and includes the assessment (Deposit Plan stage) and conclusions reached for each site by the Authority and a map of each site.