Annual Monitoring Reports

Annual Monitoring Reports assess the effects of the Local Development Plan against those which were anticipated.

The Annual Monitoring Report is a document that measures various indicators to assess the performance of the individual planning policies set out in the adopted Local Development Plan and to provide a general portrait of the social, economic and environmental conditions in the Park.

The following tables provide the dates the Annual Monitoring Reports were approved for public consultation by the National Park Authority.

Year of Annual Monitoring Report Documents Approval Date for Consultation Closing Date for Comment Report of Comments Received by the National Park Authority
2021-22 1st LDP2 AMR with Appendix 1 and 2

Appendix 3 Future Wales Table

Appendix 4 Planning Policy Wales 11

Appendix 5 Building Better Places

Appendix 6 Marine Plan Table

Appendix 7 SPG


26th October 2022 2nd June 2023 20th September 2023


Download the report of officer responses to the Annual Monitoring Report consultation comments PDF (see Appendix B to the Meeting Report)

2022-23 2nd LDP2 AMR  

20th September 2023



31st May 2024