The cliffs of Pembrokeshire are within the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. They are of international importance for cliff-nesting birds and provide some of the best sea-cliff climbing in the country.
This page and the downloadable agreed climbing restrictions leaflet (opens in new window) give details of agreed seasonal climbing restrictions established to protect nesting and feeding sites.
These are essential for the continued existence of the colonies of seabirds and for the chough, peregrines and ravens which nest here.
The climbing areas are within Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and European Special Protection Areas (SPA). Please refer to the ‘Green Guide’ to climbing (opens in new window) which can be found on the British Mountaineering Council website.

Information for climbers
Range East – (MoD Land)
- Check noticeboards each day before climbing (download climbing restrictions leaflet to see map – opens in new window). These show the latest changes to restrictions during the season.
- Access to range area is only permitted in non-firing periods – check local press or phone 24hr information line. Tel 01646 662367 or view upcoming Castlemartin Range firing times on the Gov.UK website (opens in new window).
- Do not climb between red markers during restricted periods.
- Avoid gardening routes – flora on the cliff include some nationally scarce species.
- Do not attach belays to MOD property or place any new stakes due to the risk of unexploded ordnance and conservation reasons.
- No climbing on chapel cove at any time (Public safety).
Range West – (MoD Land)
Access is by Ministry of Defence permission only and climbers are required to attend a briefing.
Lydstep Head
There may be climbing restrictions within ‘Mother Carey’s Kitchen’ (‘Inner Space’ to ‘Star Gate’) and ‘The Chimney’. For further details please contact the National Trust or visit the BMC website.
North Pembrokeshire
- Needle Rock, Fishguard – 1 March to 1 August.
- Llech Dafad Restriction – 1 March to 1 August.
- Penbwchdy Restriction – 1 March to 1 August.
- Abercastle – Ynys Deullyn cliffs – Site will be restricted if birds nest here. Please look for cliff-top signs.
- Mur Cenhinen – site restricted if birds nest here. Check BMC Regional Access Database.
- Ogof Mrs Morgan – 1 March to 1 August.
- Dinas Fach (between Solva and Newgale) – 1 March to 1 August.
- Please notify BMC Access Rep via email of sightings of peregrine or chough nests at Ynys Deullyn or St David’s Head.
Agreed seasonal climbing restrictions
These restrictions have been agreed between the BMC, Pembrokeshire Climbing Club, National Trust, Ministry of Defence, Pembrokeshire Outdoor Charter Group, Natural Resources Wales and the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority.
They are reviewed annually as part of the liaison process between all the organisations involved. All climbers are asked to observe the restrictions. The periods when they apply are indicated on the map.
Caves on the Pembrokeshire coast contain rare and sensitive wildlife, geology and archaeology. Access should be avoided.
Further information
Further information can be obtained from:
- Visit British Mountaineering Council (BMC) website (opens in new window), email BMC– Tel 0161 445 61111
- Visit BMC Regional Access Database (RAD) website (opens in new window)
- Email Natural Resources Wales, Senior Reserve Manager – Tel 01646 661368
- Email National Trust Pembrokeshire Tel 01646 623110
- Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, Park Delivery Section – Tel 01646 624850
- MoD Castlemartin Camp, Range Office (office hours) – Tel 01646 662496
- Email Castlemartin Ranger – Tel 07866 771188
- Visit Pembrokeshire Outdoor Charter Group website (opens in new window)