Visitors urged not to visit National Park this weekend

Published On : 29/05/2020

People are being urged to follow current Welsh Government guidance and not to travel to access the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park this weekend as coastal car parks and the majority of the Pembrokeshire Coast Path remain closed.

All visitor facilities and services around the National Park also remain closed and the Park Authority is asking people to remain patient as it prepares to respond to the revised Government guidance and reopen access to the coast when and where it is safe to do so.

Tegryn Jones, Chief Executive of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority said: “We appreciate how much people are missing the National Park, including the beaches and access to the outdoors but we ask for everyone’s continued patience.

“While Welsh lockdown restrictions on outdoor gatherings are easing from Monday 1 June, it is vital that people follow the advice to stay local, travel no more than five miles and avoid popular beauty spots and crowded places wherever possible.

“The National Park is not ready for large numbers of visitors to arrive at popular places, so we ask people to use this new freedom, from Monday, carefully and responsibly.

“We’re asking people to follow our three ‘R’s – respect the land, respect the community and respect each other – as the restrictions are eased”.

The Pembrokeshire Coast Path and car parks will remain closed while the Authority consults with local communities and reviews plans to open in a way that prioritises the safety of local users.

Tegryn Jones added: “Our priority remains the safety of those accessing the National Park, our staff and the communities in and around the Park. Services will reopen in time but we are urging people to be patient for now and stay local.”

Further information on accessing the National Park can be found at and will be updated as and when facilities reopen.