Visitors urged to plan ahead as Pembrokeshire prepares for a bumper weekend

Posted On : 31/07/2020

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority and Pembrokeshire County Council are urging visitors to check, book and plan ahead before visiting the county this weekend.

With many restrictions eased, attractions re-opening and a mini-heatwave forecast, visitor numbers are expected to soar over coming days.

Pembrokeshire’s new visitor welcome teams will be on standby to help with enquiries and ensure that everyone makes the most of what the county has to offer – in a safe and enjoyable way.

As many attractions require pre-booking and car parking space is limited, visitors are advised to plan ahead and do their research before setting out.

Tegryn Jones, Chief Executive of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority said:

“For those of us who live in this beautiful corner of Wales, its popularity at this time of the year when the weather is at its very finest will come as little surprise. Those visitors who plan on staying overnight are asked to support the designated campsites and accommodation that’s available throughout the county.

“It’s also important to remember that social distancing guidelines in Wales require those who aren’t part of an extended household to stay 2m away from others, even when outdoors.”

“All visitors should also be prepared to change plans if sites are busy. Having a back-up plan for your day out is always a good idea.”

Those visiting the National Park are asked to tread lightly and respect the land, communities and each other as the county moves safely out of lockdown.

The County Council’s Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Councillor Phil Baker said: “It’s amazing to finally be able to explore Pembrokeshire. It’s a very special place. It’s special because it is so beautiful, clean and protected and we work very hard to keep it that way in the hope that everyone can enjoy it responsibly.

“Recently, while the majority of people have been very respectful of this and followed guidelines, there have been a minority that have been less helpful, with a few examples such as rubbish left at beauty spots, access for emergency vehicles being blocked by inconsiderate parking and a spate of unauthorised wild camping.

“Officers will be patrolling the county throughout the weekend and if needed penalty notices will be issued to those flouting the rules and camping or parking illegally overnight.

“The thoughtless behaviour of a few is threatening to spoil what should be a bumper summer for all, and is a worry and concern for the local communities that are left to clean up the mess left by illegal campers.”

Information about visiting Pembrokeshire safely can be found at, with up-to-date car parking and visitor information being shared on social media via @VisitPembs.

Guidance and advice on visiting the National Park can be found at