National Park Authority 09/02/22
10am, Virtual Meeting
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2021
4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda
5. Chair’s Announcements
6. To receive the report of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 8 December 2021 and 10 January 2022.
7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Human Resources Committee held on 24 November 2021
8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 1 December 2021
9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Youth Committee held on 7 December 2021
10. To consider the report of the meeting of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 19 January 2022
11. To consider a Notice of Motion by Councillor P Kidney that the Authority enters into negotiation with Lamphey Community Council, and any interested parties, to either gift or sell land in Freshwater East, for the provision of a children’s play area.
12. To consider the following reports:
01/22 Draft Budget Planning 2022/23
The report presents:
The Draft Revenue and Capital budgets for 2022/23 and forecast 2023/24 to 2026/27
The Draft 2022/23 Levy on Pembrokeshire County Council
Prudential Indicators for the Capital Programme
Financial Reserves and Investment Strategy & Treasury Management Policies for 2022/23
02/22 Draft Corporate Plan 2022/23
Members are asked to comment on the draft Corporate Plan 2022/23
03/22 Welsh Government Consultation on planning legislation and policy for second homes and short-term holiday lets
The report seeks agreement of a National Park Authority response to the above consultation
04/22 Welsh Language Communities Housing Plan
The purpose of this report is to agree a National Park Authority response to the above consultation.
05/22 Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority Volunteering Review and Volunteering Policy
Members are asked to accept the Strategic Review of Volunteering report prepared for the Authority and to approve the PCNPA Volunteering Policy, which provides a framework for the Authority to meet its legal responsibility and duty of care in its volunteering activities and establish a set of clear principles and good practice for those involved in volunteering activity.
06/22 Pembrokeshire Major Events Strategy 2022 – 2027
Members are asked to adopt the proposed Pembrokeshire Events Strategy 2022-2027.
07/22 Calendar of Meetings 2022/2023
Members are asked to approve a calendar of meetings for the forthcoming year.
08/22 Home Working & Hybrid Working Policy
The purpose of this report is to seek approval from Members, for the adoption of the Home Working & Hybrid Working Policy.