Park Authority urges visitors of archaeology sites to #TreadLightly

Posted On : 04/08/2021

A surge of interest in Pembrokeshire’s archaeological and historical sites has prompted the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority to issue a reminder to the general public to respect archaeological monuments and their surrounding communities, and leave no trace of their visit.

Over recent months, an increase in visitors to sites such as Waun Mawn, Craig Rhosyfelin and Carn Goedog has led to access issues and evidence of damage.

Waun Mawn was thrust into the limelight earlier this year by a BBC documentary, which theorised that this may have been the original source of some of Stonehenge’s famed bluestones. Since then, footfall in the area has increased, along with reports of careless behaviour creating problems for local communities and the sites themselves.

Some of the issues faced so far include fires being lit, stones being damaged or removed, gates left open on working farmland and inconsiderate parking on narrow verges and in front of farm gates.

Community Archaeologist Tomos Ll. Jones said:

“While it’s great that people want to explore our past, we must be mindful that these monuments, which have been in place for thousands of years, are of national and international importance and cannot be replaced.

“Many of these monuments are protected from disturbance by law, and are situated on privately-owned land and spaces with natural designations. As such, disturbance, damage or removal of material would constitute a criminal offence.

“Visitors should also spare a thought for those who live and work in the area, and make every effort to follow the Countryside Code, including parking in appropriate places.”

A Heritage Watch scheme to safeguard heritage in the National Park area was set up in 2018, if you would like to find out more, including how to help visit our HeritageWatch page.

For further information about how to #TreadLightly when visiting key sites go to our Tread Lightly page.

Go to our Web Walks page to find over 200 web walks, including several routes around heritage sites.