National Park Authority Archive

Agendas and Minutes from meetings held between 08/12/2010 and 01/04/2020.

Wed, 1 Apr 2020

No Minutes Taken – Meeting did not take place

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2020.

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 29 January 2020 and 10 February 2020

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 22 January 2020

8.  To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 12 February 2020

9. To consider the report of the meetings of the Standards Committee Appointments Panel held on 28 January 2020 and 11 February 2020

10. To consider the following reports :

14/20 Annual Governance Statement 2019/20
Members’ comments are sought on the draft Annual Governance Statement

15/20 Endorsement of Contract Standing Order 16 in Regard Insurance Cover Commencing 1st April 2020.
The report seeks endorsement for the use Contract Standing Order 16 in respect of the contract for the Authority’s insurance cover.

16/20 Corporate and Resources Plan 2020/21
Members are asked to approve the Corporate and Resources Plan 2020/21.

17/20 Responding to the Climate Change Emergency
The report asks Members to approve Responding to the Climate Change Emergency (2020 – 2030) – Our actions to deliver the National Park Management Plan 2020-2024.

18/20 Independent Members of the Standards Committee
Members are asked to agree the appointment of two Independent Members to the Standards Committee

19/20 Member Remuneration 2020/21
The report informs Members of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’ decisions in relation to the Basic and Senior Salaries payable to National Park Authority Members for the financial year 2020/21.

20/20 Personal Development Reviews
The report seeks Members’ approval of a Personal Development Review framework for Members.

21/20 Calendar of Meetings 2020/2021 
Members are asked to approve a calendar of meetings for the forthcoming year.

22/20 National Parks Wales – Landscapes for Everyone: Our Approach to Social Inclusion and Child Poverty. 
Members are asked to note the ‘National Parks Wales Landscapes for Everyone: Our Approach to Social Inclusion and Child Poverty

Wed, 5 Feb 2020

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2019.

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 4 December 2019

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive’s Performance Review Panel held on the 29 November 2019

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on the 11 December 2019

9. To consider the following reports :

01/20 Draft Budget Planning 2020/21
The report presents
The Draft Revenue and Capital budgets for 2020/21 and forecast 2021/22 to 2024/25
The Draft 2020/21 Levy on Pembrokeshire County Council
Prudential Indicators for the Capital Programme
An Investment Strategy & Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2020/21.

02/20 Financial Standards Update 2020
Members are asked to approve the Financial Standards Update 2020.

03/20 Contracting Standing Orders 2020
Members are asked to approve the Draft Contract Standing orders 2020.

04/20 Approval of Contract Standing Order 13 in Regard of the Foul Water Sewer Connection Contract at Carew Castle
The report seeks approval for the use contract standing order 13 in respect of the contract for the foul water sewer connection at Carew Castle.

05/20 Corporate Plan 2020/21
Members are asked to comment on the draft Corporate Plan 2020/21.

06/20 Equality Plan 2020 – 2024
The report asks Members to approve the Authority’s Equality Plan 2020-24 and revised equality objectives.

07/20 Pembrokeshire County Council’s Deposit Local Development Plan 2 and Supporting Documents
The report seeks delegated powers to submit a response on Pembrokeshire County Council’s Local Development Plan 2 Deposit Plan and accompanying documents.

08/20 Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority Volunteer Forum
The report requests Member representation on the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority’s Volunteer Forum

09/20 Newport Links Golf Club
Members are asked to receive a S5(2) report regarding the sale of 10 accommodation units at Newport Links Golf Club in apparent breach of obligations contained in a S106 Agreement.

10/20 Corporate Events
Members are asked to determine and authorise the level of representation at the corporate events set out in the report.

11/20 Pembrokeshire Destination Management Plan 2020-2025
The report requests that Members formally adopt the Pembrokeshire Destination Management Plan 2020 – 2025 as the key document to guide visitor services across the county.

12/20 Request from Pembrokeshire County Council for Funding to Support Elements of the Pembrokeshire Destination
Members are asked to discuss a letter received from Pembrokeshire County Council (PCC) requesting funding towards maintaining elements of the Pembrokeshire Destination.

10. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 13 and 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.

11. To consider the following report:

13/20 Destination Management Organisation – Tourism
The report requests that Members consider both the principle and level of support that PCNPA may wish to provide in order to establish a trade-led, but predominantly public sector financed, Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for Pembrokeshire

Wed, 11 Dec 2019

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2019.

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the report of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 2 September 2019  and 11 September 2019

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on the 25 September 2019

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on the 6 November 2019

9.  To consider the report of the meeting of the Member Support and Development Committee held on the 6 November 2019

10. To appoint a Member(s) to fill the vacancies on the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee, Employee Forum, Member Support and Development Committee, Appeals Committee and the South West Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party – Regional Technical Statement Member Forum.

11. To consider a Notice of Motion from Councillor R Owens: That the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park does not implement car parking charges at the West Angle Car Park

12. To consider the following reports :
42/19 Consultation Draft National Park Management Plan 2020 – 2024
To report on the outcomes of the National Park Management Plan consultation and to seek approval for a final National Park Management Plan 2020-2024 and the statutory assessments which accompany it.
Final Sustainability Appraisal Non-technical Summary
Final Sustainability Appraisal

43/19 Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority Safeguarding Statement
The report introduces the revised National Park Authority Safeguarding Statement for consideration and approval by Members.

44/19 Draft Equality Plan 2020 – 2024
Members are asked to comment on the Draft Equality Plan 2020-24.

45/19 Annual Review of the 2019 Operation and Management of the Authority’s Charging Car Park Sites
The report provides a summary of the Authority’s charging car park operation during the last 12 months and outlines objectives in advance of the 2020 charging season.

46/19 A Policy Framework for the Authority’s Charging Car Park Operation
The report provides a Policy framework for the Authority’s charging car park operation.

47/19 Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Draft Annual Report 2020/21
The report informs Members of the consultation draft Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (the Panel) on the proposed level of Members’ salaries for 2020/21 and seeks their views thereon.

48/19 Composition of Standards Committee
The report asks Members to appoint a Member to serve on the Standards Committee in place of Mr Allan Archer, and to consider increasing the composition of the Authority’s Standards Committee to seven Members by increasing the number of Independent Members to four.

49/19 Microsoft License Suite Upgrade
As from 14 January 2020 Microsoft will no longer provide technical support or software and security updates for the server platforms the Authority’s systems are running. Members are therefore requested to approve the expenditure of £108k to cover the provision of these licences until 2025.

51/19 To agree the Dissolution of National Parks UK Ltd
The report seeks the approval of Members for the Dissolution of National Parks UK Ltd.

50/19 Pembrokeshire Coast Path 50th Anniversary
Members are asked to endorse the proposed programme of celebratory activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Coast Path.

13. To consider the following Urgent Item:
52/19 Approval of Additional Capital Expenditure for the Procurement of the Installation of Electric Vehicle Charge Points and the Variation of Contract Standing Orders in the Procurement Procedure
The report seeks approval to proceed with the purchase of four electric vehicle charge points at Authority owned sites and variation to contract standing orders in the procurement exercise thereof.

Wed, 16 Oct 2019

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on:
a) 4 September 2019
b) 11 September 2019 (Extraordinary Meeting)
4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 31 July 2019

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Personnel Committee held on the 4 September 2019

8. To consider the following reports :

37/19 PCNPA Planning Annual Performance Report 2018-19
Members are asked to approve the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority Local Development Plan (APR) 2018/19 for submission to the Welsh Government.

38/19 2019 Annual Monitoring Report on the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
Members are asked to approve the Annual Monitoring Report for the Local Development Plan for submission to the Welsh Government by 31st October 2019.

39/19 Environment (Wales) Act 2016, Section 6 (Biodiversity and Resilience of Ecosystems Duty) – PCNPA Signposting document
Members are asked to discuss approach taken by the Authority to embed the duty within its corporate planning framework and to approve the signposting document.

40/19 The contribution of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority to meeting the challenges of the Climate Change Emergency
Members are invited to discuss the report.

41/19 Environmental Policy
The report seeks approval of the Authority’s Environmental Policy.

Wed, 11 Sep 2019

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3.   To consider the oral recommendation of the Personnel Committee on the appointment of a Monitoring Officer

Wed, 4 Sep 2019

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2019

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 19 June 2019

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on the 5 June 2019

8. To consider the reports of the meetings of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on the 5 June and 3 July 2019

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Member Support and Development Committee held on the 31 July 2019

10. To consider the following reports:

32/19 National Development Framework
The purpose of the report is to bring the consultation on the Draft National Development Framework to the attention of Members. The Authority will be responding to the consultation on a South West Wales regional basis.

33/19 Sustainable Farming and Our Land
The purpose of the report is to bring the above consultation on the ‘Sustainable Farming and Our Land’ consultation to the attention of Members. The Authority will be responding to the consultation on a three Parks basis.

34/19 West Wales Walking for Wellbeing Project
Approve is sought of financial procedures regarding treatment of West Wales Walking for Wellbeing project.

35/19 Equal Opportunities Policy
This report seeks approval of the Equal Opportunities Policy of the Authority.

36/19 Data Protection Policy, ICT User Policy and Data and Information Security Policy
This report seeks approval of the Authority’s Data Protection Policy, ICT User Policy and Data and Information Security Policy.

Thu, 25 Jul 2019

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on:
a5 June 2019 – Annual General Meeting and
b) 5 June 2019 – Ordinary Meeting
4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 1 May 2019 and 5 June 2019

7. To consider the reports of the meetings of the Member Support and Development Committee held on the 8 May and 5 June 2019

8. To consider the reports of the meetings of the Personnel Committee held on the 4 June and 5 June 2019

9. To consider the reports of the meetings of the Operational Review Committee held on the 5 and 12 June 2019

10. To consider the following reports :

A presentation will be made on the Wales Audit Office’s ISA260 Report: Communication Concerning Financial Statements to those Charged with Governance. The Authority’s Statement of Accounts 2018/19 will also be presented for confirmation and signature

Under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, the Authority is required to publish an Improvement Plan Part 2 by 31st October.  The Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015 also places a duty on the Authority to set out its Well-being Objectives and to demonstrate how these contribute to the Welsh Government’s seven Well-being Goals. Under the legislation each year bodies must publish an annual report showing the progress they have made in meeting their objectives. They must also demonstrate how they have applied the 5 ways of working under the sustainable development principle of Long Term, Prevention, Integration, Collaboration and Involvement.

The paper seeks the approval of Members to suspend the Authority’s Standing Orders in order to appoint a Monitoring Officer through a joint working agreement rather than through open recruitment.

OUTSIDE BODIES To confirm membership of the Authority’s
Investigating and Disciplinary Committee;
Grievance Committee, and Appeals
Committee. To consider the Authority’s
representation on the following outside
bodies: Campaign for National Parks, and
Pembrokeshire Coast Charitable Trust.

To request that Members formally adopt a suite of Member role descriptions and person specifications, and the Member Support and Development Strategy

Wed, 5 Jun 2019

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 May 2019

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To consider the reports of the meeting of the Personnel Committee held on the 15th May.

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit & Corporate Review Committee held on the 15 May 2019.

8. To consider the following reports :

23/19 CONSULTATION DRAFT NATIONAL PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN 2020 – 2024 To seek approval for a Consultation draft National Park Management Plan 2020-2024 and for three consultation draft assessments of it.

24/19 2018/19 ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT The Annual Governance Statement provides the vehicle for demonstrating the Authority’s success in delivering continuous improvement in performance, identifies control systems and processes and highlights significant governance issues to be addressed. This is an opportunity for members to contribute to and discuss the content of the Draft Annual Governance Statement for 2018/19.

25/19  GRANT APPROVALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 78 OF THE FINANCIAL STANDARDS Authorisation is required in accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (2016) which states that where there is a payment of ‘Total value Grant and Sponsorships under any one agreement over £10,000’, approval must be obtained from the National Park Authority

26/19 WELSH LANGUAGE STANDARDS: ANNUAL REPORT The Authority is required to produce an Annual Report by the 30th June every year in line with Standards 158, 164 and 170 of the Compliance Notice and a copy of that report is appended.


Wed, 5 Jun 2019

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1. To appoint a Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received: Councillor P Harries

2. To appoint a Deputy Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received: Councillor Mrs D Clements
3. To receive apologies for absence

4. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

5. To consider the report of the Administration & Democratic Services Manager on Membership of Committees, Groups and External Organisations
This report agrees the appointment of Members to the Authority’s internal Committees, Groups and External Organisations.






Wed, 8 May 2019

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2019
4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 6 March 2019 & the 25 March 2019.

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

7. To consider the report of the CE PR Panel held on the 20 March 2019.

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on the 27 March 2019.

9. To consider the reports of the meetings of the Personnel Committee held on the 3rd & 10th April.

To consider the report of the SDF Committee held on the 10 April

11. To consider the following reports :

16/19 Wales Audit Office Annual Improvement Report 2018-19 and Well-Being of Future Generations Examination and Audit of Partnership and Collaborations
To receive the Wales Audit Office’s reports on: the Annual Improvement Report 2018-19, and the Well-being of Future Generations examination and audit of partnership and collaborations.

17/19 Car Parks
For Members to reconfirm their instructions to the Highway Authority to proceed with the Pembrokeshire County Council Pembrokeshire Coast National Park (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2015 Variation Order No.1 2019 in readiness for the start of the 2020 Car Park charging season.
Estate Officer
18/19 Pembrokeshire Destination Management Plan 2019/19
To request that Members formally adopt the 2019-20 Pembrokeshire Destination Management Plan’ as the key document to guide service delivery in relation to tourism services in the county.
Director of Countryside, Community and Visitor Services

19/19 Award of Additional Grant in Aid for Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority
To approve the revised 2019/20 Revenue and Capital budget, and to create appropriate earmarked reserves and variations to financial procedures, which have resulted from award of additional grant aid for the Authority from Welsh Government.
Finance Manager
20/19 Deputy Monitoring Officer –confirmation of appointment.
The paper seeks the approval of Members to make the post of Deputy Monitoring Officer a permanent role.
Chief Executive
21/19 Trewent Park Encroachment
This paper presents the case for the transfer of NPA owned land into private ownership under our existing policy for regularising historical encroachments in the interests of good estate management
Estate Officer
12. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

22/19 St Justinians – Future Management of Visitor Facilities
To introduce a presentation to Members on the subject matter.

Wed, 20 Mar 2019

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2019

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 23 January 2019.

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 13 February 2019

8. To consider the following reports

09/19 Expressions of interest from Amroth, Angle and Nolton & Roch Community Councils regarding the management of public car parks at Amroth, West Angle and Nolton Haven
The report considers expressions of interest from Amroth, Angle and Nolton & Roch Community Councils regarding the management of public car parks at Amroth, West Angle and Nolton Haven which are owned and operated by the National Park Authority.

10/19 Corporate & Resources Plan
Members are asked to approve the Corporate and Resources Plan 2019/20.

11/19 Extension of Tenby Conservation Area Boundary
This report seeks approval for extending the existing boundary of Tenby Conservation Area which was designated in 1971 and extended in 1996.  Members will recall approving the public consultation for such at their National Park Authority meeting of 13th August 2018.

12/19 Request from the RNLI to Undertake Fundraising Activities on National Park Beaches
Members are asked to approve RNLI fundraising on six Park Authority managed beaches and to extend the period of time that is available for fundraising activities by the RNLI.

13/19 Calendar of Meetings 2019/2020 
Members are asked to approve a calendar of meetings for the forthcoming year.

14/19 Corporate Events
During the course of a year, the National Park Authority is invited to attend various corporate events.  Attendance at external events is an important part of Members’ duties and, whilst it is acknowledged that other calls are made on their time, it is expected that Members will attend a number of these during their term of office with the Authority

15/19 Member Remuneration 2019/20
The Report informs Members of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’  decisions in relation to the Basic and Senior Salaries payable to National Park Authority Members for the financial year 2019/20, and
canvasses Members’ opinion on the payment of such Senior Salaries.

Wed, 30 Jan 2019

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence.

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business.
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2018.

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda.

5. Chair’s Announcements.

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 17 October 2018 and 5 December 2018.

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit & Corporate Services Review Committee held on 28 November 2018.

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 12 December 2018.

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on 19 December 2018.

10. To consider the following reports:

01/19 Review of Employer Discretions in Relation to the Dyfed Pension Fund
The report seeks the approval of Members to make changes to the discretions the Authority adopts in relation to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).

02/19 Oriel y Parc – Service Level Agreement with National Museum Wales
Members are asked to approve a new ten year Service Level Agreement (SLA) between Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA) and National Museum Wales (NMW).

03/19 Draft Budget Planning 2019/20
The report presents
The Draft Revenue and Capital budgets for 2019/20 and forecast 202/20 to 2023/24
The Draft 2019/20 Levy on Pembrokeshire County Council
Prudential Indicators for the Capital Programme
An Investment Strategy & Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2019/20.

04/19 Corporate Plan 2019/20
To ask Members to comment on the draft Corporate Plan 2019/20

05/19 Draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Management Plan 2020-2024
To ask for the approval of the draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for the National Park Management Plan (2020-2024) for consultation.

06/19 Pembrokeshire County Council’s
Preferred Strategy Local Development Plan 2 and Supporting Documents

To seek formal approval to submit a response on Pembrokeshire County Council’s Local Development Plan 2 Preferred Strategy and accompanying documents.

07/19 Membership of the Pembrokeshire Local Access Forum
To appoint a Member of the National Park Authority to serve on the Pembrokeshire Local Access Forum for the term 2019-2021

08/19 Member Support and Development
To agree to the establishment of a Member Support and Development Committee to drive forward the Member Support and Development Programme.


Wed, 28 Nov 2018

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2018

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 5 September 2018 and 17 September 2018.

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 26 September 2018

8. To consider the following reports:

43/18 Europarc Youth Manifesto- a call for change in rural communities and protected areas
This report provides an update to Members on the Europarc Youth Manifesto, recently launched at Europarc Cairngorm Conference Sept 2018, and the contribution of PCNPA Youth Rangers therein.

44/18 Submission the Deposit Local Development Plan (Replacement) & Focussed Changes and Supporting Documents
The purpose of this report is to seek formal approval to submit the above mentioned documents to the Welsh Government and Planning Inspectorate together with authorisation to publish focussed changes for comment and progress the plan through Examination.

45/18 Rights of Way Improvement Plan for Pembrokeshire
This report updates Members on the preparation of a second Rights of Way Improvement Plan for Pembrokeshire (ROWIP2) and seeks Members’ approval of the publication of the final Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2018-2028.

46/18 Annual Review of the 2018 Operation and Management of the Authority’s Charging Car Park Sites
To provide a summary update of the Authority’s charging car park operation during the last 12 months and the outlining of objectives in advance of the 2019 charging season.

47/18 Update report on the proposed variation of the pre-existing Car Park Order in readiness for the start of the 2019 Car Park charging season 
To update Members on the procedural progress to vary the pre-exisitng Car Park Order in readiness for the start of the 2019 Car Park charging season

48/18 Proposed Regearing of Marloes Sands Car Park
Members are asked to consider the re-gearing of the National Trust’s occupational lease at the above site.

49/18 Property known as ‘Furze Mill’ abutting the Authority’s Car Park at Nolton Haven
Members are asked to consider the regularisation of an historical ongoing encroachment over the Authority’s land

50/18 Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) – changes to administration
This report informs Members of the proposed new arrangements for the administration of the SDF.

51/18 Independent Remuneration Panel For Wales Draft Annual Report 2019/20
The report informs Members of the consultation draft Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales on the proposed level of Members’ salaries for 2019/20 and to seek their views thereon.

52/18 Revision of the Health and Safety Policy
This report seeks approval of the revised Health and Safety policy of the Authority

53/18 The Causeway, Carew Millpond and Carew Castle Progress Report
The report informs Members of state of play on the maintenance of the Carew Causeway and requests financial support for the upkeep of this ongoing liability.  It also informs Members of the progress being made on creating an outstanding visitor attraction at Carew Castle and requests further financial support for 2 practical enhancements.


Wed, 3 Oct 2018

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 August 2018

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 18 July 2018.

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Member Development Strategy Working Group held on 5 September 2018

8. To consider the following reports:

38/18 2018 Annual Monitoring Report on the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
Members are asked to approve the Annual Monitoring Report for the Local Development Plan for submission to the Welsh Government by the 31st October 2018.

39/18 PCNPA Planning Annual Performance Report
Members are asked to approve the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority Local Development Plan (APR) 2017/18 for submission to the Welsh Government by the 31st October 2018.

40/18 Member Development Training Plan
Members are asked to consider and approve the Member Support and Development Training Plan

41/18 Variation to Financial Standards for the Procurement of a Development Management Printer
Members are asked to agree to the purchase of the replacement Oce scanner.

42/18 Variation to Standing Orders for the Procurement of ESRI Arc Online Job Management Software.
The report seeks approval to proceed with a variation to PCNPA Standing Orders with regards the procurement of a commercial off the shelf job management software platform for the Countryside Management Team.


Mon, 13 Aug 2018

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on:
a) 20 June 2018 – AGM, and
b) 20 June 2018 – Ordinary Meeting

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 6 June 2018, 18 June 2018 and 20 June 2018.

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 13 June 2018 

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 18 July 2018

9. To consider the following reports:
29/18 ISA260 Report to those Charged with Governance
A presentation will be made on the Wales Audit Office’s ISA260 Report: Communication Concerning Financial Statements to those Charged with Governance.  The Authority’s Statement of Accounts 2017/18 will also be presented for confirmation and signature.

30/18 Improvement Plan Part 2 and Annual Report on meeting Well-being Objectives 2017/18
Under both Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 and Wales Programme for Improvement, the Authority is required to publish an Improvement Plan Part 2 by 31st October.  This reports on the progress against the work programme proposed in the Authority’s Corporate and Resources Plan for the year 2017/18.

31/18 Valued and Resilient: The Welsh Government’s Priorities for the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and National Parks
The report informs Members of the priorities for the Authority identified by the Welsh Government.

32/18 Tenby Conservation Area
This report seeks approval for initiating public consultation to extend the existing boundary of Tenby Conservation Area.

33/18 To consider a change to the Calendar of Meetings in March 2019
Members are asked to consider moving meetings scheduled to take place on 13th March 2019.

34/18 Committee Membership
The report seeks confirmation of membership of the Authority’s Investigating and Disciplinary Committee; Grievance Committee, and Appeals Committee.

35/18 Stack Rocks & St Govan’s: Update on Lease Renewal Negotiations
Members are asked to authorise officers to document a lease renewal of the Stack Rocks & St Govan’s sites on the terms outlined in the report.

36/18 Newport Parrog Undergrounding Scheme
To update Members on the proposed undergrounding of existing overhead electrical and telecom infrastructure at Newport Parrog.

10. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

11. To consider the following reports:

37/18  Update on the disposal of the Authority’s Land Holding known as National Park Caravan Site, Sageston

Wed, 20 Jun 2018

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16 May 2018

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 25 April 2018.

7. To consider the report of the meetings of the Standards Committee held on 15 May 2018

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 23 May 2018

9. To consider the following reports:

25/18 National Park Management Plan 2020-2024
Members are asked to endorse the proposed approach to preparation of the National Park Management Plan 2020–2024.

26/18 Rights of Way Improvement Plan for Pembrokeshire
The report updates Members on the preparation of a second Rights of Way Improvement Plan for Pembrokeshire and seeks their approval of the consultation draft plan.

27/18 Grant Approvals in accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (Revised 2012)
Authorisation is required in accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (2012) for payments of over £10,000 to Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum and to Pembrokeshire County Council as a contribution towards the Pembrokeshire Greenways Partnership.

28/18 Welsh Language Standards: Annual Report
On the 30th September 2015, the Welsh Language Commissioner issued the Authority with a Compliance Notice which set out the Welsh Language Standards with which the Authority has to comply in the course of carrying out its business and the dates from which the Authority has to comply with the Standards.  As required by the Notice the Authority is required to produce an Annual Report and Members are asked to endorse the Annual Report as the Authority’s submission to the Welsh Language Commissioner

Wed, 20 Jun 2018

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1. To appoint a Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received: Mrs G Hayward

2. To appoint a Deputy Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received: Mr AE Sangster

3. To receive apologies for absence

4. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

5. To consider the report of the Administration & Democratic Services Manager on Membership of Committees, Groups and External Organisations
This report agrees the appointment of Members to the Authority’s internal Committees, Groups and External Organisations.

Wed, 16 May 2018

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28 March 2018

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 14 March 2018 and 26 March 2018.

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel held on 28 March 2018

8. To consider the report of the meetings of the Personnel Committee held on 28 March 2018 and 18 April 2018

9. To confirm the appointment of Mr Rhys Stephens as Monitoring Officer to the Authority with effect from 21/05/18

10. To consider the following reports:

18/18 Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 Consultation 
This report asks Members to approve the consultation response to Planning Policy Wales Edition 10

19/18 Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust
Members are asked to agree and approve the final documentation to set up the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Trust.

20/18 Branding the National Park
The report updates Members on the pending exercise to create a bespoke brand identity for the National Park separate to the existing corporate branding for Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA).

21/18 Update On the Disposal of the Authority’s Premises At Long Street In Newport  
Members are asked to authorise  the documentation of a new lease of the Authority’s Premises at Long Street, Newport

22/18 Variation of the pre-existing Car Park Order in readiness for the start of the 2019 Car Park charging season 
The report seeks a resolution to proceed with a variation of the pre-existing Car Park Order in readiness for the start of the 2019 Car Park charging season

23/18 Appointment of a Data Protection Officer
Members are asked to approve the appointment of a Data Protection Officer for the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority

24/18 Future Landscapes Fund
Members are asked to approve procedures financial regarding treatment of the Future Landscapes Fund

Wed, 28 Mar 2018

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7 February 2018

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 31 January 2018.

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 24 January 2018

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 14 February 2018

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 7 March 2018

10. To consider the following reports:
06/18 The Deposit Local Development Plan (Replacement), Draft Sustainability Appraisal, Draft Equalities Impact Assessment, Draft Habitats Regulations Assessment, Initial Consultations Report
The report asks Members to approve the draft Deposit Local Development Plan (replacement) for consultation, together with the Sustainability Appraisal, the Equalities Impact Assessment, the Habitats Regulations Assessment and the Initial Report of Consultations

07/18 Annual Governance Statement 2017/18
Members are asked to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2017/18

08/18 Corporate and Resources Plan 18/19
Members are asked to approve the Corporate Plan 2018/19.

09/18 Pembrokeshire Public Services Board’s Well-Being Plan
To ask Members to approve the Pembrokeshire Public Services Board’s Well-being Plan for Pembrokeshire.

10/18 Update on the disposal of the Authority’s premises at Long Street in Newport
The report provides Members with an update on the disposal of the Authority’s premises at Long Street in Newport.

11/18 Delegation of authority to officers to make Public Path Creation Orders and Public Path Extinguishment Orders
Members are asked to authorise senior National Park Authority officers to delegate authority to individual members of staff to make Public Path Creation Orders & Public Path Extinguishment Orders

12/18 Statement By The Minister For Environment: Designated Landscapes
Members are asked to note the statement on Designated Landscapes by the Minister for Environment.

13/18 Carew Castle Café
The report updates Members and seeks approval for additional capital expenditure from PCNPA reserves for a remodelled and enhanced Café proposal at Carew Castle.

14/18 Wales Clean Seas Partnership
The report recommends that the Authority signs the Clean Seas Pledge and joins the Clean Seas Partnership.

15/18 Calendar Of Meetings 2018/2019 
Members are asked to approve a calendar of meetings for the forthcoming year.

16/18 Corporate Events
Members are asked to determine and authorise the level of representation at the corporate events set out in the report.

17/18 Member Remuneration 2018/19
The report informs Members of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’  decisions in relation to the Basic and Senior Salaries payable to National Park Authority Members for the financial year 2018/19, and canvasses Members’ opinion on the payment of such Senior Salaries.



Wed, 7 Feb 2018

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on:
a) 29 November 2017 and
b) 13 December 2017

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 8 November 2017, 20 November 2017 and 13 December 2017.

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel held on 13 November 2017

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on 15 November 2017

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 22 November 2017

10. To consider the report of the meeting of the Personnel Committee held on 22 November 2017

11. To consider the report of the meeting of the Standards Committee Appointments Panel held on 29 November 2017 

12. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 6 December 2017 

13. To appoint a Member to the Operational Review Committee, Grievance Committee, Employee Forum and Member Development Strategy Working Group to fill the vacancies created by the departure of Ms Chris Gwyther.

14. To consider the following reports:
01/18 Draft Budget Planning 2018/19
The report presents:
The Draft Revenue and Capital budgets for 2018/19 and forecast 2019/20 to 2022/23; The Draft 2018/19 Levy on Pembrokeshire County Council; Prudential Indicators for the Capital Programme; and an Investment Strategy & Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2018/19.

02/18 2018/19 Insurance Renewal
Members are asked to approve the extension of the Authority’s current insurance arrangement for the financial years 2018/19 & 2019/20.

03/18 Corporate Plan 18/19
Members are asked to comment on the draft Corporate Plan 2018/19.

04/18 Consultation on Law Commission’s Planning Law in Wales’s document
The report brings this consultation to the attention of Members and requests delegated authority for officers to finalise the consultation submission from PCNPA and also a submission on behalf of the 3 National Parks in Wales.

05/18 Fundraising
Members are asked to agree to set up Charities at a local and national level

Wed, 13 Dec 2017

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3.   To consider the recommendation of the Standards Committee Appointments Panel on the appointment of an Independent Member of the Standards Committee (Report 57/17)
Under Regulation 16(2) of the Standards Committee (Wales) Regulations 2001, and the Standards Committee ( Wales) (Amendment ) Regulations 2006 Members are invited to consider and have regard to the recommendation of the Standards Committee  Appointments Panel and complete the appointment process of Mr John Daniels.

Wed, 29 Nov 2017

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 27 September 2017 .

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 20 September 2017.

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 6 September 2017 

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 11 October 2017

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Personnel Committee held on 11 October 2017

10. To consider the following reports:

48/17 Wales Audit Office – Annual Improvement Report 2016-17
The Auditor General for Wales is required, under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009 to report the audit and assessment work in relation to whether Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has discharged its duties and met the requirements of the Measure. Members comments are sought on the Annual Improvement Report 2015-16 and the baseline review of governance at Pembrokeshire Coast National Park carried out in 2016/17 which is referenced in the report.

49/17 Certificate of Compliance for the Audit of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority’s Assessment of 2016-17 Performance
Members are requested to receive and comment on the Performance Assessment Letter recently received from the Auditor General for Wales

50/17 Consultation on Pembrokeshire Well-Being Plan and Implications of Objectives and Work Streams on the Authority’s Activities
The purpose of the report is to ask Members for any comments or views on the draft Pembrokeshire Well-being plan and its implication for the Authority, to be fed back to the Public Services Board

51/17 Update on the disposal of the Authority’s premises at Long Street,  Newport  
Members are asked to authorise Officers to proceed with the disposal of the Authority’s legal interest in its premises at Long Street, Newport

52/17 Undergrounding of overhead power lines at Great Castle Head, St Ishmaels
Members’ endorsement is sought for the proposed undergrounding of existing overhead power lines at Great Castle Head, St Ishmaels

53/17 Annual Review of the 2017 Operation And Management of the Authority’s Car Parking Sites
The report provides an update of the actions undertaken by Officers over the course of the last 12 months including a summary of the Authority’s car park operation during the 2017 charging season and the outlining of priority objectives in advance of the 2018 and 2019 charging seasons.

54/17 Review of Porthgain Conservation Area Boundary
This report seeks approval for extending the existing boundary of Porthgain Conservation Area which was designated in 1997

55/17 Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Draft Annual Report 2018/19
This report informs Members of the consultation draft Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (the Panel) on the proposed level of Members’ salaries for 2018/19 and to seek their views thereon

56/17 Draft Welsh Language Strategy 2017 – 2022
Members are asked to adopt the draft Welsh Language Strategy 2017 – 2022 as the Authority’s strategy for promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh language within the National Park over the next 5 years.

11. To receive an update by the Chief Executive regarding appointment of a Monitoring Officer


Wed, 27 Sep 2017

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 9 August 2017

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. Chair’s Announcements

6. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 9 August.

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

7. To consider the following reports:
40/17 2017 Annual Monitoring Report on the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
Members are asked to approve the Annual Monitoring Report for the Local Development Plan for submission to the Welsh Government by the 31st October 2017.

41/17 Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority Local Development Plan (Annual Performance Report) 2016/17
Members are asked to approve the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority Local Development Plan (Annual Performance Report) 2016/17 for submission to the Welsh Government by the 31st October 2017.

42/17 Newport Tourist Information Centre
The report asks Members to decide the future of the Newport Tourist Information Centre and associated visitor and community services.

43/17 Carew Castle Walled Garden Development Proposals
Members are asked to approve Capital expenditure from PCNPA reserves to construct a café at Carew Castle in the Walled Garden. (Phase 1) plus completion of the Walled Garden proposals including landscaping, new schools store, tented structure etc.(Phase 2) should the current Visit Wales grant application be turned down.

44/17 Carew Mill & Causeway – Reservoirs Act Statutory Repairs
The report requests approval for capital funding to proceed with urgent repair works work at Carew Mill & Causeway as per the recommendations of the report following statutory annual inspection (2016).

45/17 Sustainable Development Fund Annual Report 2016-17
The report makes Members aware of the report and key facts pertaining to fund delivery during the 2016-17 financial year.

8. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12 and 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.

9. To consider the following reports:

46/17 Update on the disposal of the Authority’s Land Holding known as National Park Caravan Site, Sageston
Members are asked to endorse the ongoing actions of Officers to dispose of the Authority’s Land Holding at Sageston.

47/17 Discussions Regarding Re-locating the Headquarters of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority from Pembroke Dock to Haverfordwest.
The report seeks to clarify the views of Members on discussions to re-locate the Headquarters of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA) from Pembroke Dock to Haverfordwest.

Wed, 9 Aug 2017

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on:
a) 14 June 2017 – AGM and
b) 14 June 2017 – Ordinary Meeting

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 10 May 2017, 14 June 2017, 21 June 2017 and 3 July 2017.

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on 28 June 2017

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 28 June 2017

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 5 July 2017

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 19 July 2017

10. To appoint a Member to sit on the Standards Committee Appointments Panel

11. To consider the following reports:

31/17 ISA260 Report to those Charged with Governance
A presentation will be made on the Wales Audit Office’s ISA260 Report: Communication Concerning Financial Statements to those Charged with Governance.  The Authority’s Statement of Accounts 2016/17 will also be presented for confirmation and signature.

32/17 Priorities for National Park Authorities 2017-18
The report informs Members of the priorities for the Authority identified by the Welsh Government.

33/17 Improvement Plan Part 2 and Annual Report on meeting Well-being Objectives 2016/17
Under both Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 and Wales Programme for Improvement, the Authority is required to publish an Improvement Plan Part 2 by 31st October.  This reports on the progress against the work programme proposed in the Improvement Plan Part 1 for the year 2016./17

34/17 Welsh Government Consultation: Taking Forward Wales’ Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
The purpose of the report is to seek delegated authority for the Chief Executive and the Chair of the Authority to contribute to and submit a 3 Parks’ response to the above consultation.  The closing date is the 13th of September 2017.

35/17 Newgale WelTAG Stage 1 Assessment Report (July 2017)
The report informs Members of the outcome of the WelTAG Stage 1 Assessment for realignment of the road at Newgale, undertaken by Atkins on behalf of Pembrokeshire County Council and seeks approval of this report as the Authority’s formal response.

36/17 Properties known as ‘ Woodside’ and ‘Avalon’, Freshwater East
This paper presents the case for the transfer of NPA owned land into private ownership under the Authority’s existing policy for regularising historical encroachments in the interests of good estate management.

37/17 Newport Parrog Undergrounding Scheme
To seek the endorsement of Members for the proposed undergrounding of existing overhead electrical and telecom infrastructure at Newport Parrog.

38/17 Committee Membership
The report seeks confirmation of membership of the Authority’s Investigating and Disciplinary Committee; Grievance Committee, and Appeals Committee.

39/17 Appointment of Monitoring Officer
The purpose of this report is to agree the process for replacing the current Monitoring Officer, Mr John Parsons, when he retires in November 2017.

Wed, 14 Jun 2017

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on
a) 29 March 2017
b) 17 May 2017

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 8 February 2017, 27 February 2017 and 22 March 2017

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 22 March 2017

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive’s Performance Review Panel held on 11 April 2017

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 10 May 2017

9. To consider the following reports:

23/17 Future Landscapes Wales
The report provides Members with a copy of the final report developed by the Future Landscapes Wales programme.

24/17 Pembrokeshire Wellbeing Assessment
The report presents to Members the Pembrokeshire Well-being Assessment and seeks guidance on priorities for the Authority when developing the Pembrokeshire Well-being Plan.

25/17 Wales Audit Office Audit Plan 2017
Members are asked to receive the Audit Plan for 2017 from the Wales Audit Office.

26/17 Marine Protected Areas
To inform Members of the National Park Authority’s responsibilities with regard to Marine Protected Areas.

27/17 Review of Conservation Area Boundaries
This report seeks approval for confirming the existing boundaries of Angle, Caerfarchell, Caldey Island, Little Haven, Manorbier, Newport, Newport Parrog, Portclew, Saint Davids, Saundersfoot, Solva and Trefin Conservation Areas.

28/17 Corporate Events
Members are asked to determine and authorise the level of representation at the corporate events set out in the report.

29/17 Review of Standing Orders
Members are asked to adopt the revised Standing Orders appended to the report.

30/17 Welsh Language Standards: Annual Report
On the 30th September 2015, the Welsh Language Commissioner issued the Authority with a Compliance Notice which set out the Welsh Language Standards with which the Authority has to comply in the course of carrying out its business and the dates from which the Authority has to comply with the Standards.  As required by the Notice the Authority is required to produce an Annual Report and Members are asked to endorse the Annual Report as the Authority’s submission to the Welsh Language Commissioner


Wed, 14 Jun 2017

Download Minutes

1. To appoint a Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received: Mrs G Hayward

2. To appoint a Deputy Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received: Mr AE Sangster

3. To receive apologies for absence

4. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

5. To consider the report of the Administration & Democratic Services Manager on Membership of Committees, Groups and External Organisations
This report agrees the appointment of Members to the Authority’s internal Committees, Groups and External Organisations.

Wed, 17 May 2017

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3.   To consider the following reports
21/17 Creation of Earmarked Reserves, Approval for Additional Capital Spend on the Roundhouses at Castell Henllys and Approval of Budget Virements Over £20,000
Members are asked to approve the creation of earmarked reserves as set out in the report, the additional capital expenditure on the Roundhouses at Castell Henllys and approval of Budget Virements over £20,000

22/17 The Preferred Strategy (Pre-Deposit Local Development Plan Document Replacement), Draft Sustainability Appraisal, Draft Equalities Impact Assessment, Candidate Sites Register
This report asks Members to approve the draft preferred strategy for the Pre-Deposit Local Development Plan (replacement) for consultation.  Also requested for approval for consultation are the Sustainability Appraisal and the Equalities Impact Assessment

LDP Summary Report of Consultations

Preferred Strategy Webpage:

Wed, 29 Mar 2017

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 1 February 2017:

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 14 December 2016

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 15 February 2017

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 25 January 2017

8. To consider the following reports:

09/17 Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership Terms of Reference
To adopt the refreshed Terms of Reference for the Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership of which PCNPA is a key player.

10/17 Corporate Plan 2017/18
The report asks Members to approve the Corporate Plan 2017/18.

11/17 Annual Governance Statement 2016/17
Members are asked to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2016/17

12/17 St Davids City of Culture
An overview of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority’s support for the St. Davids City of Culture bid 2021

13/17 Grant Approvals in accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (Revised 2012)
Authorisation is required in accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (2012) for payments of over £10,000 to Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum and to Pembrokeshire County Council as a contribution towards the Pembrokeshire Greenways Partnership.

14/17 St Brides Scouts Lease Renewal Update
The report updates Members on progress over the last year on the St Brides lease renewal.

15/17 Draft Welsh Language Strategy 2017 – 2022
Members are asked to comment on the draft Welsh Language Strategy 2017 – 2022 prior to its publication for consultation purposes.

16/17 Review and Revision of Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) Reference Documentation
Following a review of SDF reference documentation, Members are requested to approve the revisions made to update the SDF Policy; the SDF Committee Terms of Reference; and the SDF Grant Conditions.

17/17 Member Remuneration 2017/18
The report informs Members of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’  decisions in relation to the Basic and Senior Salaries payable to National Park Authority Members for the financial year 2017/18, and canvasses Members’ opinion on the payment of such Senior Salaries.

18/17 Calendar Of Meetings 2017/2018 
Members are asked to approve a calendar of meetings for the forthcoming year.

19/17 Chief Executive’s Performance Review Panel
Members are asked to review the administrative arrangements associated with the Chief Executive’s Performance Review Panel, and to adopt the proposal set out in the report.

9. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

10. To receive an Update on the disposal of the Authority’s Land Holding known as National Park Caravan Site, Sageston (Report 20/17)

Wed, 1 Feb 2017

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2016:

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 19 October 2016

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 7 December 2016 

7. To appoint Members to the Audit and Corporate Services and Operational Review Committees and the Alliance for National Parks Cymru to fill the vacancies created by the departures of Mr D Ellis and Mrs M Thomas

8. To agree to move the date of the Annual General Meeting from Wednesday 7th June 2017 to Wednesday 14th June 2017

9. To consider the following reports :

01/17 Draft Budget Planning 2017/18
The report presents:
The Draft Revenue and Capital budgets for 2017/18 and forecast 2018/19 to 2021/22; The Draft 2017/18 Levy on Pembrokeshire County Council; Prudential Indicators for the Capital Programme; and an Investment Strategy & Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2017/18.

02/17 Newport Visitor Centre
The report seeks Members approval to extend the period of community engagement regarding potential changes to the future provision of visitor services in Newport until August 2017; and to keep the Newport Visitor Centre open for the entirety of the 2017 season with no changes to the present levels of service and/or opening hours.

03/17 Document Management System – Public Access to Information
The report seeks approval to proceed with the purchase of a document management system to enable the planning function to operate more efficiently and to provide for full online public access to planning applications.

04/17 Webcasting
Members have previously asked officers to investigate the possibility of webcasting the Authority’s meetings.  This report sets out the options available, and seeks Members’ views on whether the Authority should webcast its meetings in future.

05/17 Electronic Agendas
Members are asked to consider whether papers for meetings of the National Park Authority and its Committees should continue to be provided in paper format.

06/17 Review of the Authority’s Committee Structure
This paper invites Members to comment on the National Park Authority’s current Committee structure.

07/17 Pembrokeshire Public Service Board
The report updates Members on the Pembrokeshire Public Service Board, to seek delegated authority for the Chief Executive to approve the Pembrokeshire Well-being Assessment and Well-being Plan and to seek the approval of Members to contribute towards the running cost of the Public Service Board.

08/17 Celtic Routes INTERREG Project
The report seeks the agreement of Members for the Authority to participate and provide match funding for the Celtic Routes INTERREG project.

Wed, 30 Nov 2016

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28 September 2016

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 7 September 2016

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 21 September 2016

7. To consider the report of the meetings of the Standards Committees held on 12 October 2016 and 9 November 2016

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Member Development Strategy Working Group held on 19 October 2016

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 9 November 2016

10. To consider the following reports:

59/16 The Greenways Partnership – Annual Report 2016
To report outlines for Members the outcome of the work undertaken by Pembrokeshire Greenways detailed in the Annual Report for 2016.

60/16 Corporate Plan 2017/18
Members are asked to comment on the draft Corporate Plan 2017/18

61/16 Review of the Operation and Management of the Authority’s Car Parking Sites
To provide an initial review of the Authority’s car park operation and to makes a number of recommendations designed to align car parking services with the Authority’s Improvement Plan objectives.

62/16 Update on Plans for the National Park Site at Cilrhedyn
To report on progress of the plans for a partnership of Coed Cymru and Tir Coed to take over the management of the Cilrhedyn Woodland Centre.

63/16 Country Path User Survey 2015-16
The report informs Members of the results of the country path user survey and how this information will be used to guide the future development and management of the Coast Path and public rights of way in the National Park.

64/16 Independent Remuneration Panel For Wales Draft Annual Report 2016/17
The report informs Members of the consultation draft Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (the Panel) on the proposed level of Members’ salaries for 2017/18 and to seek their views thereon.

65/16 A Review of the Sustainable Development Fund 2000-2016
The report is a review of the financial support awarded to projects between 2000 and 2016. It was undertaken following a request from the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee to ascertain whether public money had been wisely spent and whether projects that received funding were still operational today.

66/16 Tourist Information Provision (Newport and Tenby)
The report provides an update on the consultation process to change the way tourist information services are delivered.

67/16 Review of the Designated Areas and Action Programme to tackle Nitrate Pollution in Wales
To agree the NPA’s response to Welsh Government’s consultation on the above review.

Wed, 28 Sep 2016

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 August 2016

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 20 July 2016

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 27 July 2016 

7. To consider the following reports:

49/16 2016 Annual Monitoring Report on the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
Approval is sought for submission of the Annual Monitoring Report to Welsh Government.  The report should assess the extent to which the Local Development Plan strategy and policies are being achieved.

50/16 Local Development Plan: Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)
This report asks Members to adopt a new Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) document.  It will replace the Authority’s current supplementary planning guidance on obligations.

51/16 Local Development Plan: Regionally Important Geodiversity Sites Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)
This report seeks approval to add an additional site to the above guidance which was originally adopted in October 2011.

52/16 Tourist Information Provision (Newport And Tenby)
Members are asked to agree a new focus to the Park Authority’s work to support the visitor economy in Pembrokeshire.

53/16 Variation of Contract Standing Orders and the Creation of an Earmarked Reserve for a Heritage Lottery Fund Bid for the Skills in Action II Program
Members are asked to approve a variation to the Authority’s Contract Standing Orders to allow outsourcing of the procurement exercise with regard to repairs to the gabion wall revetment of the byway at Point House lane, Angle.  Members are also asked to approve the creation of an earmarked reserve of £15,000 to support  a Heritage Lottery Fund bid for a the next phase in the Skills In Action program.

54/16 Sustainable Development Fund Annual Report 2015-16
The Sustainable Development Fund Annual Report provides information on progress of the SDF, including the Little Green Grant, for the period April 2015 to March 2016

55/16 Solva Conservation Area – Confirmation of Article 4(2) Direction
The report asks Members to Confirm the Article 4(2) Direction in relation to the land within Solva conservation area and note the formal Direction

56/16 St Justinians – Future Management of Visitor Facilities
To report to Members the outcome of the work undertaken by Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum.

57/16 Certificate of Compliance for the Audit of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority’s 2016-17 Improvement Plan
Members are requested to receive and comment on the Improvement Assessment Letter recently received from the Auditor General for Wales

58/16 Wales Audit Office – Annual Improvement Report 2015-16
Members are asked to receive and comment on the Annual Improvement Report 2015-16 from the Auditor General

8. To agree future support for Ironman Wales

Wed, 10 Aug 2016

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on:
a) 15 June 2016 – AGM and
b) 15 June 2016 – Ordinary Meeting

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 8 June 2016 and 15 June 2016

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel held on 25 May 2016

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 29 June 2016

8. To consider the following reports:
37/16 ISA260 Report to those Charged with Governance
A presentation will be made on the Wales Audit Office’s ISA260 Report: Communication Concerning Financial Statements to those Charged with Governance.  The Authority’s Statement of Accounts 2015/16 will also be presented for confirmation and signature.

38/16 Pathways & Invasive Species Projects Reserves
The purpose of the report is to obtain approval for the creation of earmarked reserves to cover the Authority’s match funding Pathways & Stitch in Time projects.

39/16 Local Development Plan: Candidate Sites
Members are asked to approve three documents which are part of the Candidate Sites process for the Local Development Plan Revision: the Candidate Sites submission form, Guidance Notes to assist applicants in completing the form and the Candidate Sites Methodology which sets out how the Authority will assess the sites.

40/16 Changes to the scheme of delegation – planning
To update the scheme of delegation with regard to planning matters in respect of officers to whom authority is delegated and the consideration of non-material amendments applications

41/16 Planning – customer survey results
The report advises Members of the results of the recent planning customer survey.

42/16 Extension to the Term of Appointment for Sustainable Development Fund Committee Advisory Members
To ask Members to agree to a twelve month extension to the term of appointment for current Advisory Members of the Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) Committee, who were appointed in August 2012 for a period of four years.  An extension is requested to allow a comprehensive review of the SDF Policy and Guidance to take place before selecting new, or reappointing, the Advisory Members, for a period of appointment to be determined by the Authority following the review.

43/16 Porthgain Undergrounding Scheme
The report seeks the endorsement of Members for the proposed undergrounding of existing overhead power lines at Porthgain.

44/16 Public Path Creation Agreement, Solva.
The report seeks Members’ approval for the payment of compensation to the landowner who dedicated the public right of way, in view of the fact that the landowner is a Member of the National Park Authority, Councillor Lyn Jenkins.

45/16 Member Skills Audit
To undertake a Member skills audit in order to aid Welsh Government during the forthcoming Member appointment process.

46/16 Standards Committee Membership
This report asks Members to appoint a Welsh Government appointed Member to the Standards Committee in the place of Mrs Gwyneth Hayward.

47/16 Committee Membership
The report seeks confirmation of membership of the Authority’s Investigating and Disciplinary Committee; Grievance Committee, and Appeals Committee.

48/16 Update on Plans for the National Park Site at Cilrhedyn
Members will recall that at the Authority Meeting in February 2016 it was agreed to continue to work with a partnership of Coed Cymru and Tir Coed to find a new way to use the centre and to reduce the costs of operation for the Authority. The partnership has made progress in developing plans and in obtaining grants to support the development of their work and have supplied an interim report.

Wed, 15 Jun 2016

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 27 April 2016 

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 20 April 2016 and 9 May 2016

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 20 April 2016

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 11 May 2016

8. To consider the following reports:
25/16 Local Development Plan Review Report and Delivery Agreement
Members are asked to approve two documents, the Review Report and the Delivery Agreement. The Delivery Agreement will be submitted to Welsh Government for approval. Both documents have been subject to engagement and an eight week consultation.  Appended to the report are the comments received on each document and the actions proposed.
26/16 Draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for the Replacement Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
This report requests approval of the Final Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report attached.  Appended to the report are the comments received on the draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report and the actions proposed.

27/16 Corporate Plan 2016/17
Members are asked to approve the Corporate Plan 2016/17

28/16 Improvement Plan Part 2
Under both Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 and Wales Programme for Improvement, the Authority is required to publish an Improvement Plan Part 2 by 31st October.  This reports on the progress against the work programme proposed in the Improvement Plan Part 1 for the year 2015./16

29/16 Strategic Equality Plan 2016 – 2020
Members are asked to approve the Strategic Equality Plan 2016 – 2020

30/16 Annual Governance Statement
Members are asked to approve the Authority’s Annual Governance Statement which was reviewed by Members in the February and May 2016 Audit & Corporate Services Review Committees.

31/16 Additional funding for Sustainable Development Projects
Members are asked to approve the release of £21,390.50 from the SDF reserve to support two new SDF projects and an additional Little Green Grant.

32/16 Changes to the Members’ Code of Conduct
The report advises Members of the proposed changes to the Members’ Code of Conduct brought about by the Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2016.  It is recommended that the Authority implement changes to the Members’ Code of Conduct in accordance with section 51 of the Local Government Act 2000, which will need to be adopted by the Authority by the 26th July 2016.

33/16 Regularisation of Encroachment over National Park Authority Owned Land at Poppit Sands
The report seeks the resolution of Members for the transfer of NPA owned land into private ownership under our existing policy for regularising historical encroachments in the interests of good estate management.

34/16 Conservation Areas Review and the Consideration of Article 4 Directions to Reduce Specific Permitted Development Rights which Impact on the Quality of Conservation Areas
This report seeks approval for the making of Directions pursuant to Article 4(2) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as amended (‘the Order’) in relation to the Conservation Area of Solva.

35/16 Draft Pembrokeshire Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2021
Members are invited to provide any comments on the above Plan which is being developed by Pembrokeshire County Council

36/16 Welsh Language Standards: Annual Report
On the 30th September 2015, the Welsh Language Commissioner issued the Authority with a Compliance Notice which set out the Welsh Language Standards with which the Authority has to comply in the course of carrying out its business and the dates from which the Authority has to comply with the Standards.  As required by the Notice the Authority is required to produce an Annual Report and Members are asked to endorse the Annual Report as the Authority’s submission to the Welsh Language Commissioner

Wed, 15 Jun 2016

Download Minutes

1. To appoint a Chair for the ensuing year

Nominations received: Councillor M James
Mr AE Sangster

2. To appoint a Deputy Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received: Mrs G Hayward

3. To receive apologies for absence

4. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

5. To consider the report of the Administration & Democratic Services Manager on Membership of Committees, Groups and External Organisations
This report reviews the appointment of Members to the Authority’s internal Committees, Groups and External Organisations and seeks confirmation of those appointments

Wed, 27 Apr 2016

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2016 

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on 9 March 2016

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the following reports:

19/16 Local Development Plan: Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)
This report sets out a revised Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) document for consideration by the Authority.  It seeks endorsement of the contents prior to a public consultation in May.

20/16 Local Development Plan: Regionally Important Geodiversity Sites Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)
This report seeks approval to add an additional site to the above guidance which was adopted in October 2011 and to publish the updated guidance for consultation.

21/16 Virements Over £20k In Financial Year 2015 /16
Members are requested to approve the virements undertaken in the financial year 2015/16 according to the attached schedules

22/16 Grant Approvals in Accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (Revised 2012)
Authorisation is required in accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (2012) which states that where there is a payment of ‘Total value Grant and Sponsorships under any one agreement over £10,000’, approval must be obtained from the National Park Authority.

23/16 PCNPA and Progress on Renewable Energy Installations
The report provides Members with an overview as to how the provision of renewable energy installations is progressing on the Authority’s land and buildings, also to demonstrate consideration of the installation of renewable energy on Park property as a potential income generator.

24/16 Planning Annual Performance Report 2014-2015
The report brings to Members’ attention the performance of the National Park Authority’s planning department in comparison with other local planning authorities during the period 2014-2015.

Wed, 16 Mar 2016

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2016 

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 27 January 2016 and 2 March 2016

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 20 January 2016

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 24 February 2016

8. To confirm the composition of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel for 2016

9. To consider the following reports:
09/16 Local Development Plan Review Report and Delivery Agreement
Members are asked to note two documents, the draft Review Report and the draft Delivery Agreement, that will be circulated more widely for comment and input.

10/16 Draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for the Replacement Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
This report asks for the approval of the draft Scoping Report for consultation.

11/16 Strategic Equality Plan 2016 – 2020
To ask Members to comment on the draft Strategic Equality Plan 2016/ – 2020 prior to the plan being published for consultation.

12/16 Pre-application Fees and Charging
This report highlights to Members the requirements for a statutory pre-application service as required by Welsh Government and to recommend the commencement of charging for the pre-application service from 1 April 2016.

13/16 St Brides Scouts Lease Renewal
This report seeks the approval of Members for the continuation of the Scouts occupation of land and buildings at St Brides by way of a lease renewal on contemporary terms that would include provision for the Scouts to extend the footprint of the cottages at their own cost, subject to them obtaining all necessary statutory permissions.

14/16 Consultations Recently Undertaken by the Welsh Government/National Assembly in Relation to Governance Issues
This report updates Members regarding consultations on a “technical consultation” on Members’ interest under Code of Conduct and on amendments to the powers of the Public Service Ombudsman for Wales powers’ with a new Wales Ombudsman Bill

15/16 Calendar of Meetings 2016/2017 
Members are asked to approve a calendar of meetings for the forthcoming year.

16/16 Corporate Events
Members are asked to determine and authorise the level of representation at the corporate events set out in the report

17/16 Members’ Salaries 2016/17
The report informs Members of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’  decisions in relation to the salaries payable to National Park Authority Members for the financial year 2016/17 and to canvass Members’ opinion on the payment of such Senior Salaries

10. To receive an update on the Oriel y Parc Café Tender

11. To receive a presentation by Visit Pembrokeshire

12. To receive a presentation by the Friends of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park


Wed, 3 Feb 2016

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 November 2015 

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on 12 October 2015, 11 November 2015 and 16 December 2015

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 25 November 2015

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 9 December 2015

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel held on 16 December 2015 

9. To consider the following reports:

01/16 Wales Audit Office: Delivering with Less:  Planning Services
The report advises Members of the final report provided by the Wales Audit office on the audit of PCNPA planning services.  The author Mr Rob Hathaway from the Audit office has been invited to attend this meeting and speak to the item.

02/16 Draft Budget Planning 2016/17
The report presents:
 The draft Revenue and Capital budgets for 2016/17 and implications on reserves.
 The draft 2016/17 Levy on Pembrokeshire County Council.
 Prudential Indicators for the capital programme.
 An Investment Strategy & Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2016/17.

03/16 Financial Standards Update
The Authority’s Financial Standards are reviewed on a four yearly cycle and this Report requests Members to approve the updated Standards

04/16 County Council Guidance on Implementing of Council Tax Premiums on Long-Term Empty Homes and Second Homes 
This Authority has been asked by Pembrokeshire County Council for its views on the introduction of a council tax premium, and Members are asked to discuss and agree an Authority response.

05/16 Corporate Plan 2016/17
Members are asked to comment on the draft Corporate Plan 2016/17

06/16 Action Plan to deliver the Recommendations of the Joint Scrutiny Committee on the impact of the policies and work of the National Park Authorities on the economic activity of both the Pembrokeshire Coast and Snowdonia National Parks
Members are asked to approve the Action Plan

07/16 Task and Finish Group on Support Services
This paper recommends setting up a Task and Finish on delivering Support Services.

10.  To receive an update on Cilrhedyn

Wed, 18 Nov 2015

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 23 September 2015

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 12 August, 24 August and 30 September 2015
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 9 September 2015

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on 21 October 2015

8. To consider the following reports:
46/15 Future Use of the National Park Site at Cilrhedyn, Llanychaer
This report deals with a proposal for a partnership of Coed Cymru and Tyr Coed to lease part of the National Park site at Cilrhedyn and for the Park Authority to further scale back woodland centre operations.

47/15 Car Park Operations
The report presents the conclusions of the Members’ Task and Finish group on Car Parks for changes in the management of the Authority’s car parks.

48/15 Skrinkle Haven YHA Site: Freehold Disposal
The report seeks the approval of Members for the freehold sale of the Youth Hostel premises and access road at Skrinkle Haven to the Youth Hostel Association.

49/15 Freshwater East Caravan Club Site: Lease Renewal and Site Upgrade Works
The report seeks the approval of Members for a surrender and renewal of the Caravan Club lease to include Landlords consent for the Caravan Club to undertake a £1.2m upgrade of the site facilities during the coming winter period.

50/15 Anti-Fraud and Bribery Policy
Members are asked to approve the Anti-Fraud and Bribery Policy.

51/15 Review of Designated Landscapes
Following publication of the above report, Members are invited to provide feedback and to discuss the next steps.

52/15 Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Draft Annual Report 2016/17
The report informs Members of the consultation draft Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales on the proposed level of Members’ salaries for 2016/17.

Wed, 23 Sep 2015

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 29 July 2015

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 8 July 2015.
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 15 July 2015

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Member Development Strategy Working Group held on 29 July 2015

8. To consider the following reports:

46/15 Wales Audit Office – Annual Improvement Report
This Report is for the Auditor General for Wales to report the audit and assessment work in relation to whether Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has discharged its duties and met the requirements of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009

47/15 Improvement Plan 2014/15 Part 2
Under both Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 and Wales Programme for Improvement, the Authority is required to publish an Improvement Plan Part 2 by 31st October.  This reports on the progress against the work programme proposed in the Improvement Plan Part 1 for the year 2014/15

48/15 Well-Being of Future Generations Act – Statutory Guidance
Members are requested to comment on this draft guidance recently published by the Welsh Government

49/15 2014 Annual Monitoring Report on the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
Members are asked to approve the attached Annual Monitoring Report for the Local Development Plan for submission to the Welsh Government by the 31st October 2015

50/15 Welsh Government Green Paper Consultation; Improving Opportunities to Access the Outdoors for Responsible Recreation
Members are asked to approve a formal response to the consultation, a draft copy of which is attached to the report.

51/15 Evaluation of the Trial of Development Management Committee Meetings Being Held on a 6 Weekly Cycle as opposed to Monthly
This report evaluates the findings of the trial period of development management committee meetings being held on a 6 weekly cycle as opposed to a monthly cycle. To conclude that the trial appears to have been successful and therefore to recommend to permanently continue to schedule DM meetings on a 6 weekly cycle.

52/15 Article 4 Direction to Reduce Specific Permitted Development Rights which Impact on the Quality of Little Haven Conservation Area
Members are asked to confirm the Article 4(2) Direction in relation to the land within Little Haven Conservation Area

53/15 Independent Member of the Standards Committee
Under Regulation 16(2) of the Standards Committee (Wales) Regulations 2001, and the Standards Committee ( Wales) (Amendment ) Regulations 2006 Members are invited to consider and have regard to the recommendation of the Standards Committee  Appointments Panel and complete the appointment process of Mrs Victoria Tomlinson.

54/15 Members’ Personal Development Reviews: Review of Process
Members are asked to approve a revised process for identifying the support and development needs of Members

55/15 Economic Profile of Pembrokeshire
Pembrokeshire County Council recently commissioned Public and Corporate Economic Consultants to produce an Economic Profile of Pembrokeshire. A copy of their final report is included as an Annex to the report

56/15 Financial Reserves Policy
Members are asked to approve the Financial Reserves Policy

57/15 ISA260 Report to those charged with Governance
A presentation will be made by the Wales Audit Office on its ISA260 Report: Communication Concerning Financial Statements to those Charged with Governance

Wed, 29 Jul 2015

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on:
a) 17 June 2015 (AGM)
b) 17 June 2015 (Ordinary Meeting)

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 27 May 2015 and 17 June 2015.
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on:
a) 6 May 2015 and
b) 8 July 2015

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 1 July 2015

8. To consider the following reports:

36/15 Draft Statement of Accounts 2014/15
This report contains the Draft Statement of Accounts 2014/15.  It is for information purposes only and Members are requested to note the contents

37/15 Local Development Plan Review Regulations Update
This report advises Members of the latest position regarding the publication of amended regulations and guidance on Local Development Plan review as requested at the Operational Review Committee of 1st July 2015

38/15 Carew Mill – New Roof
The report requests approval to proceed with work to replace the roof at Carew Mill, estimated cost of work c £65,000

39/15 Investors in People
This report asks Members to determine whether the Authority should seek to retain its Investors in People (IiP) accreditation from this year forwards

40/15 Welsh Government Green Paper Consultation; Improving Opportunities to Access the Outdoors for Responsible Recreation
The report brings to Members’ attention the recent publication of the Green Pape and seeks Members’ approval for the preparation of a formal response to the consultation

41/15 Treginnis Farm, St Davids: proposed undergrounding of existing overhead power lines
To seek the endorsement of Members for the proposed undergrounding of existing overhead power lines at Treginnis Farm, St Davids

42/15 Dinas Head: proposed undergrounding of existing overhead power lines
To seek the endorsement of Members for the proposed undergrounding of existing overhead power lines within the Valley between Cwm-yr-Eglwys and Pwllgwaelod, Dinas Head

43/15 Final report on the Mosaic Cymru project
To present to Members the final evaluation report on the 3 year Big Lottery funded Mosaic Cymru project

44/15 Committee Membership
The purpose of this report is to confirm membership of the Authority’s Investigating and Disciplinary Committee, Grievance Committee, and Appeals Committee

45/15 Welsh Language Standards: Consultation on Compliance Notice
Members are asked to comment on the draft compliance notice issued by the Welsh Language Commissioner in accordance with Section 47 of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011

9. To consider the final report and findings of the National Parks Joint Scrutiny Group on the Economy

Wed, 17 Jun 2015

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 06 May 2015

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 15 April 2015.

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on 17 April 2015

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 22 April 2015

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 20 May 2015

10. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel held on 1 June 2015

11. Presentation of Welsh Local Government Association Members’ Charter by Sarah Titcombe, Organisational and Personal Development Advisor, WLGA

12 To consider the following reports:

27/15 Proposed Sale of The Lime Keepers Cottage, The  Parrog, Newport
To seek the approval of Members for the freehold sale of the Lime Keepers Cottage at the Parrog, Newport to the Cymdeithas Cychod Afon Nyler AC Harbwr Trefdraeth in support of their continuing management of mooring activity within the harbour.

28/15 Article 4 Directions to Reduce Specific Permitted Development Rights which Impact on the Quality of the Conservation Areas of Newport and Tenby
This report seeks approval for the confirmation of Directions pursuant to Article 4(2) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as amended (‘the Order’) in relation to the Conservation Areas of Newport and Tenby.

29/15 Conservation Areas Review and the Consideration of Article 4 Direction in Little Haven to Reduce Specific Permitted Development Rights which Impact on the Quality of the Conservation Area
This report seeks approval for the making of Directions pursuant to Article 4(2) of the
Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as
amended (‘the Order’) in relation to the Conservation Area of Little Haven.

30/15 Letter outlining National Park Authority Priorities 2015-2016 from the Minister for Natural Resources of the Welsh Government.
To inform Members of the priorities for the Authority identified by the Welsh Government.

31/15 Risk Register
To ask Members to consider the latest risk register

32/15 Welsh Language Scheme: Annual Monitoring Report
Members are asked to endorse the Annual Welsh Language Scheme Monitoring Report

33/15 Member Local Resolution Protocol
Members are asked to note the arrangement for undertaking a review of the Member Local Resolution Protocol

34/15 Grant Approvals in Accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (Revised 2012)
Authorisation is required in accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (2012) which states that where there is a payment of ‘Total value Grant and Sponsorships under any one agreement over £10,000’, approval must be obtained from the National Park Authority.

In the current financial year there are two payments which fall into this category: payment of £14,033 to Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum to help integrate and manage coastal activity and secondly a payment of circa £72k to Pembrokeshire County Council as a contribution towards the Pembrokeshire Greenways Partnership.

35/15 Review of Destination Pembrokeshire
Members are asked to comment on the options for the future management of Destination Pembrokeshire and to suggest any issues that might need addressing as part of the ongoing partnership discussions regarding the future delivery of tourism services in Pembrokeshire.

13. To receive a presentation on the Constable painting to be displayed at Oriel y Parc next year

14. To receive an update on the Wales Audit Office Annual Improvement and Delivering with Less (Planning Services) Reports

Wed, 17 Jun 2015

Download Minutes

1. To appoint a Chair for the ensuing year

Nominations received: Councillor M James
Mr AE Sangster

2. To appoint a Deputy Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received:  Mr D Ellis

3. To receive apologies for absence

4. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

5. To consider the report of the Administration & Democratic Services Manager on Membership of Committees, Groups and External Organisations
This report reviews the appointment of Members to the Authority’s internal Committees, Groups and External Organisations and seeks confirmation of those appointments

Wed, 6 May 2015

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2015

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 4 March 2015.
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the following reports:

23/15 Draft Annual Governance Statement for 2014/15
The Annual Governance Statement provides the vehicle for demonstrating the Authority’s success in delivering continuous improvement in performance, identifies control systems and processes and highlights significant governance issues to be addressed. This is an opportunity for members to contribute to and discuss the content of the Draft Annual Governance Statement for 2014/15.

24/15 Strategy Task and Finish Groups
This paper recommends Terms of Reference for Strategy Task and Finish Groups and proposes setting up two groups.

25/15 Natural Resources Wales – Consultation on Updates to River Basin Management Plans
This report, which is for Members’ information, sets out the Authority’s response to Natural Resources Wales’ consultation on updates to River Basin Management Plans.

26/15 Night Sky Quality Survey, 2015- Final Draft
The report introduces a survey of Night Sky Quality in the National Park, and proposes next steps, for Members’ endorsement.

7. To discuss the Review of Designated Landscapes with Mr John Lloyd Jones, a Member of the Panel undertaking the review

8. To receive a staffing update

Wed, 25 Mar 2015

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes  of the meetings held on
a) 4 February 2015
b) 4 March 2015

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 21 January 2015 and 2 February 2015
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 28 January 2015

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 28 January 2015

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on 30 January 2015

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 11 February 2015

10. To consider the report of the Personnel Committee held on 4 March 2015

11. To confirm the composition of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel for 2015

12. To consider the following reports:

08/15 Internal Audit 2014/15
This report details the findings of the recent Internal Audit of the Authority’s Services which have been undertaken by Pembrokeshire County Council

09/15 Licence Approvals in Accordance with Section 78 and Variation to Section 72 in Accordance with Section 73 of the Financial Standards (Revised 2012)
Authorisation is sought in accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (2012) which states that where there is a payment of Total value licence under any one agreement over £10,000 approval must be obtained from the National Park Authority

10/15 Virements Over £20k in 2014 /15 & 2015/16 and Progress to Achieving Budgeted Strategic Savings
Members are requested to approve the virements undertaken in the financial year 2014/15 and those thus far for 2015/16

11/15 Improvement Plan 2015/16 – Part 1
To ask Members to approve the Improvement Plan 2015/16 Part 1.

12/15 Revised Health and Safety Policy
Members are asked to endorse the revised Health and Safety Policy as approved by Personnel Committee

13/15 The Living Wage
Employee Forum and Personnel Committee at their recent meetings considered this issue and endorsed the proposal for Members discussion and approval

14/15 Joint Supplementary Planning Guidance Document: Enabling Sustainable Development in the Welsh National Parks
The report advises Members of the responses received on the above public consultation and to recommend to Members to adopt the guidance documents for development management purposes

15/15 Conservation Areas Review and the Consideration of Article 4 Directions to Reduce Specific Permitted Development Rights which Impact on the Quality of Conservation Areas
This report seeks approval for the making of Directions pursuant to Article 4(2) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as amended (‘the Order’) in relation to the Conservation Areas of Tenby and Newport

16/15 Member Strategy Task and Finish Groups
This is a discussion paper recommending the creation of one or more Member Strategy Task and Finish Groups to guide the future direction of the Authority’s services.

17/15 Review of Designated Landscapes
The report provides information for Members on the Welsh Government’s Review of Designated Landscapes

18/15 Calendar of Meetings 2015/2016
Members are asked to approve a calendar of meetings for the forthcoming year.

19/15 Corporate Events
Members are asked to determine and authorise the level of representation at the corporate events set out in the report

20/15 Members’ Salaries 2015/16
The report informs Members of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’  decisions in relation to the salaries payable to National Park Authority Members for the financial year 2015/16 and to canvass Members’ opinion on the payment of such Senior Salaries

21/15 Member Mentoring Scheme
The report seeks Members’ views on the introduction of a Member Mentoring Scheme to encourage under-represented groups to become involved in local government

22/15 Pembrokeshire Coast National Park (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2015
To consider objections received and approve next actions.

Wed, 4 Mar 2015

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3.   To receive a report on the progress of discussions with Solva Community Council regarding the revision of the terms of the management agreement for the Lower Solva car park.

Wed, 4 Feb 2015

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2014

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 3 December 2014 and 7 January 2015.
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. Presentation of Welsh Local Government Association Members’ Charter by Sarah Titcombe, Organisational and Personal Development Advisor, WLGA

7. To consider the following reports:

01/15 Draft Budget Planning 2015/16
The report (to follow) presents:
 The draft Revenue and Capital budgets for 2015/16 and implications on reserves.
 The draft 2015/16 Levy on Pembrokeshire County Council.
 Prudential Indicators for the capital programme.
 An Investment Strategy & Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2015/16.

02/15 Car Park Arrangements for 2015
The report outlines arrangements concerning the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority’s (PCNPA/Authority) car parks and requests decisions on a number of possible changes

03/15 Certificate of Compliance with Local Government Measure
Members are asked to note receipt of the Certificate of Compliance issued by the Auditor General for Wales in respect of the Authority’s discharge of duties under the Local Government Measure and its accord with Welsh Government guidance in the discharge of its duties.

04/15 Conservation Covenants
The report seeks Members’ agreement in principle that, officers could discuss the voluntary introduction of Conservation Covenants with interested landowners to provide long-term protection of high quality sites. Any individual proposal to be subject to CMT and NPA approval.

05/15 Draft National Transport Plan 2015 – Consultation Response
Members are asked to agree the Authority’s response to the Welsh Government on the Draft National Transport Plan 2015 consultation.

06/15 Flood and Coast Investment Programme
The report asks Members to agree the Authority’s response to the Welsh Government on the Flood and Coast Investment Programme consultation.

07/15 Article 4 Directions to Reduce Specific Permitted Development Rights which Impact on the Quality of the Conservation Area of St Davids
This report seeks approval for the confirmation of Directions pursuant to Article 4(2) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 ( ‘the Order’ as amended 2013) in relation to the Conservation Area  of St Davids, as a pilot.

Wed, 17 Dec 2014

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5th November 2014

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 22nd October 2014
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 12th November 2014

7. To consider the report of the Chief Executive’s Performance Review Panel held on 12th November 2014

8. To consider the report of the Standards Committee held on 19th November 2014

9. To consider the following reports:

65/14 Improvement Plan 2015/16 – Part 1
Members are asked to comment on the draft Improvement Plan 2015/16 Part 1.

66/14 Welsh Government Planning Performance Framework
Members are asked to note the new planning performance framework recently announced by Welsh Government which will come into effect in January 2015.

67/14 Consultations in conjunction with the Planning (Wales) Bill
Members are asked to approve this National Park Authority’s response to a series of consultations associated with the Planning (Wales) Bill and proposed secondary legislation. The draft responses have been prepared on behalf of the three Welsh National Parks

68/14 Amendment to officer delegation arrangements to incorporate new planning process – Approving Non-material Amendments to an Existing Planning Permission
The report proposes replacement / amended provisions within the existing officer delegation arrangements to ensure that the process and procedure relating to approving ‘non-material amendments’ falls within the remit of the approved scheme.

69/14 Draft Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Management Plan 2015-19 – Report of Consultation
To report the outcome of recent consultation on the draft National Park Management Plan 2015-19 and to seek approval for recommended revisions

70/14 Annual Report of the Monitoring Officer
The report sets out the nature and background of the reports that had been undertaken by the Monitoring Officer during the year.

71/14 Community Consultation
To update Members on the results of recent public consultation activities undertaken by the Park Authority to inform future budget and service priorities.

72/14 Report on the National Parks Wales Social Inclusion and Child Poverty Strategy and Action Plan – Revision of PCNPA Action Plan
Members are asked to approve the revised PCNPA Social Inclusion and Child Poverty Action Plan 2014-16

Wed, 5 Nov 2014

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 24th September 2014

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 10th and 22nd September 2014
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 17th September 2014

7. To consider the report of the Scrutiny Committee held on 17th September 2014

8. To consider the report of the Operational Review Committee held on 15th October 2014

9. To consider the report of the Member Development Strategy Working Group held on 22nd October 2014

10. To consider the following reports:

55/14 Off Street Parking Order
Members are requested to confirm that Pembrokeshire County Council makes the new Off-Street Parking Order on behalf of this Authority.

56/14 Future Generations – Early Adopters
The report provides information on an ‘Early Adopters’ project run by the Welsh Local Government Association which will assist a number of local authorities to prepare for the forthcoming Future Generations Bill.
57/14 Member Representation on Outside Bodies
The report proposes a role description and associated protocol for Members appointed to represent the Authority on outside bodies.

58/14 Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Draft Report
The report informs Members of the consultation draft Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales on the proposed level of Members’ salaries for 2015/16.

59/14 Revision to procedures where members take planning decisions counter to officer recommendations at Development Management Committee
The report proposes a new process relating to the Development Management Committee whereby members are clear as to the consequences of their decision making. This excludes decision making by members in relation to the preparation and review of the Local Development Plan. Should similar issues arise then a tailored approach to fit the circumstances would need to be agreed.

60/14 Changes to Part 24 (Telecommunications) Permitted Development Rights.
The report provides Members with an update on the changes to Part 24 permitted development rights for Electronic Communications Code operators by the Town and Country Planning) General Permitted Development (Amendment) (Wales) (No.2) Order 2014

61/14 Supplementary Planning Guidance Document: Affordable Housing (Replacement Guidance)
The report advises Members of the responses received on the above public consultation and to recommend to Members to adopt the guidance documents for development management purposes.  The guidance replaces the existing guidance adopted on the 30th March 2011.  The guidance has been effective for development management purposes from July 1st 2014 as an interim measure to assist in the delivery of affordable housing.

62/14 Planning (Wales) Bill
To provide members with an initial appreciation and understanding of the Planning (Wales) Bill and associated proposed secondary legislation.

63/14 Planning Bill Call for Evidence
The Environment & Sustainability Committee is consulting on the general principles of the Planning (Wales) Bill as part of the Stage 1 scrutiny.  The Bill is seeking powers for the Minister to enact through secondary legislation and policy.   This report contains a proposed 3 National Park Authority Response for Members agreement.

64/14 The review of designated landscapes
To agree the National Parks Wales response.

Wed, 24 Sep 2014

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 6th August 2014

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 30th July 2014
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the Standards Committee Appointments Panel held on 22nd August 2014

7. To consider the following reports:

44/14 ISA260 Report to those charged with Governance
A presentation will be made by the Wales Audit Office on its ISA260 Report: Communication Concerning Financial Statements to those Charged with Governance

45/14 Three National Park Authorities Response to the Welsh Government’s Consultation on Draft Technical Advice Note 1: Joint Housing Land Availability Studies
The purpose of this report is to seek Members approval for the attached response to the Welsh Government on their consultation to the revised draft Technical Advice Note 1 which deals with Joint Housing Land Availability Studies

46/14 Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance
The purpose of this report is to seek Members approval to consult on draft supplementary planning guidance “Enabling Sustainable Development in the Welsh National Parks” which has been prepared to support the policies and proposals of the Local Development Plan.
Evidence Report

47/14 2014 Annual Monitoring Report On The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
The Annual Monitoring Report is a document which is produced by the Authority each October, looking back at the previous financial year, from 1 April to 31 March and which assesses the extent to which the Local Development Plan strategy and policies are being achieved.

48/14 Complaints Handling
The report suggests changes to the Authority’s Service Standards booklet

49/14 Independent Member Of The Standards Committee
The report recommends that Ms Judith Wainwright be appointed as an Independent Member of the Standards Committee

50/14 Volunteer Strategy and Action Plan
Members are asked to endorse the revised PCNPA Volunteer Strategy and Action Plan.

51/14 Conservation Areas Review and the Consideration of Article 4 Directions to Reduce Specific Permitted Development Rights which Impact on the quality of the Conservation Area
This report seeks approval for the making of  Directions pursuant to Article 4(2) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 ( ‘the Order’ as amended 2013) in relation to the Conservation Area  of St Davids, as a pilot.

52/14 Grant Approval in Accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (Revised 2012)
Authorisation is required in accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (2012) which states that where there is a payment of ‘Total value Grant and Sponsorships under any one agreement over £10,000’, approval must be obtained from the National Park Authority.

53/14 Pension and Compensation Regulations
Members are asked to approve the updated and revised pension and compensation policy.

54/14 Protected Landscapes Policy Statement
To inform Members of the recently published Protected Landscapes Policy Statement by the Welsh Government (to follow)


Wed, 6 Aug 2014

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes (green papers) of the meetings held on

a) 11th June 2014 (AGM)

b) 11th June 2014 (Ordinary Meeting)

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 21st May 2014, 9th June 2014, 11th June 2014 and 18th June 2014

6. To consider the report of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel held on 29th May 2014

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Operational Review Committee held on 9th July 2014

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 16th July 2014

9. To consider the following reports (white papers):

37/14 ISA260 Report to those charged with Governance
A presentation will be made by the Wales Audit Office on its ISA260 Report: Communication Concerning Financial Statements to those Charged with Governance

38/14 Improvement Plan 2013/14 Part 2
This report is to monitor progress against the work programme proposed in the Improvement Plan Part 1 for the year 2013/14

39/14 Legislation to approve non-material amendments to existing Planning Permissions
This report is to inform members of new legislation that introduces a formal procedure for the approval of non-material amendments to existing planning permissions.

40/14 Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults
This report asks Members to approve the Safeguarding Statement

41/14 Update and progress report on how the Authority is working with other National Park Authorities to generate commercial sponsorship
This report is to update members on discussions across the 15 National Park authorities (NPAs) on how to work together to generate commercial sponsorship.

42/14 Committee Membership
This report is to confirm membership of the Authority’s Investigating and Disciplinary Committee; Grievance Committee; Appeals Committee and Continuous Improvement Group.

43/14 Abercastle Harbour Foreshore Sub Lease
To seek the resolution of Members to grant the Abercastle Boat Owners Community Interest Company a lease of the foreshore at Abercastle to provide for the management of mooring activity within the harbour







Wed, 11 Jun 2014

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on
a) 2nd April, 2014 and
b) 16th April, 2014

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 16th April, 2014
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 21st April 2014

7. To consider the following reports:

29/14 Wales Audit Office – Annual Improvement Report
This Report is for the Auditor General for Wales to report the audit and assessment work in relation to whether Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has discharged its duties and met the requirements of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009.

30/14 Review of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Management Plan
To seek approval for a draft National Park Management Plan 2015-19 and its associated impact assessments for public consultation.

31/14 Technical Updates to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Management Plan 2009-13: Report of Consultations 2014
To report the outcome of public consultation on technical updates to the National Park Management Plan (2009-13).

32/14 Consultation on A Water Strategy For Wales
To agree a National Parks Wales response to Welsh Government’s consultation on a Water Strategy for Wales

33/14 Local Development Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance Replacement Draft for Consultation – Affordable Housing
To seek Members approval to consult on a replacement supplementary planning guidance on affordable housing to support the policies of the Local Development Plan.

34/14 Community Engagement Strategy
To present Members with an updated Community Engagement Strategy and highlight work undertaken to review the organisation’s approach to community engagement in the long-term.

35/14 Welsh Language Scheme Annual Monitoring Report
Members are asked to endorse the report as the Authority’s submission to the Welsh Language Commissioner.

36/14 Review Committees: Terms of Reference
Members are invited to agree the Terms of Reference for the Audit and Corporate Services and Operational Review Committees.

8. To receive an update on the Welsh Government’s Planning Project: Joint Working of PCC and PCNPA Planning Services

Wed, 11 Jun 2014

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1. To appoint a Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received:  Councillor M James

2. To appoint a Deputy Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received:  Mr AE Sangster

3. To receive apologies for absence

4. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

5. To consider the report of the Administration & Democratic Services Manager on Membership of Committees, Groups and External Organisations
This report reviews the appointment of Members to the Authority’s internal Committees, Groups and External Organisations and seeks confirmation of those appointments

Wed, 16 Apr 2014

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  1. To receive apologies for absence
  2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business
  3. To consider a report by the Head of Development Management on a Community Benefit proposal for the South Hook LNG Combined Heat and Power Scheme

Wed, 2 Apr 2014

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1.To receive apologies for absence

2.To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3.To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2014

4.To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5.To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 13th January 2014, 22nd January 2014, 19th February 2014 and 10th March 2014

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6.To consider the report of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 29th January 2014

7.To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 12th February 2014

8.To consider the report of the meeting of the Conservation and Planning Review Committee held on 19th February 2014

9.To consider the report of the Scrutiny Committee held on 21st February 2014

10.To confirm the composition of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel for 2014

11.To consider the following reports:

17/14 Internal Audit 2013/14
This report details the findings of the recent Internal Audit of the Authority’s Services which have been undertaken by Pembrokeshire County Council

18/14 Improvement Plan 2014/15 – Part 1
To ask Members to approve the Improvement Plan 2014/15 Part 1.

19/14 Origins at Castell Henllys
To advise Members of progress on this Environment for Growth externally funded project and to seek approval for virement of funds to the project as a contingency.

20/14 Review of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Management Plan
To agree a revised timetable for preparing a National Park Management Plan for the period 2015-19.

21/14 Health and Wellbeing and the National Park Authority
A discussion document relating the Authority’s developing, and significant role in relation to the health and
wellbeing of both local and national communities. A position statement on health and wellbeing is proposed along with priority actions for the Authority.

22/14 Proposed Amendments to the Draft Heritage Bill
The report updates Members on proposals to amend the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 and seeks authorisation for the Authority to respond to a Welsh Government consultation seeking views on these proposals

23/14 Welsh Government Consultation Document: The Use of Planning Conditions for Development Management
To request delegation of consideration of the above document to the next Development Management Committee.

24/14 South Hook LNG Proposed Combined Heat and Power Plant, Herbandston
The report updates Members on the progress of the Inquiry into this proposal.

25/14 Pilot Scheme to investigate the provision of a 6 weekly cycle of Development Management Committees
To propose the introduction of a 6-weekly Development Management committee cycle as a pilot scheme (to coincide with the 2014/15 calendar) with the aims of assisting with the efficient working of the Development Management team and to meet and exceed WG targets and increase customer satisfaction

26/14 Calendar of Meetings 2014/2015 
Members are asked to approve a calendar of meetings for the forthcoming year.

27/14 Corporate Events
Members are asked to determine and authorise the level of representation at the corporate events set out in the report

28/14 Members’ Salaries 2014/15
The report informs Members of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’  decisions in relation to the salaries payable to National Park Authority Members for the financial year 2014/15, and canvasses their opinion on the payment of Senior Salaries

12. To consider an oral report by the Chief Executive on the provision of Legal Services

Wed, 5 Feb 2014

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11th December, 2013

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 20th November, 2013 and 18th December 2013
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 20th November, 2013

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel held on 27th November, 2013

8. To consider the report of the Member Development Strategy Working Group held on 18th December 2013

9. To consider the following reports:

01/14 Update on the Mosaic Cymru Project
The purpose of report is to update Members on the implementation of the Mosaic Cymru project across Wales.

02/14 Draft Budget Planning 2014/15
This report presents:
The draft Revenue and Capital budgets for 2014/15 and implications on reserves; The draft 2014/15 Levy on Pembrokeshire County Council; Prudential Indicators for the capital programme; An Investment Strategy & Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2014/15.

03/14 Ministerial Letter Regarding Community Renewable Energy Projects
To bring to the attention of members the above letter and to explain what actions Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA) planners will be taking.

04/14 Positive Planning – Proposals to reform the planning system in Wales.  A Welsh Government consultation
The report brings to Members’ attention a Welsh Government consultation document – Positive Planning, recommends that the Authority responds to the consultation document but that, because of timing, the matter is delegated to the Development Management Committee on the 19th February 2014 for full consideration of the proposed response.  There is also a request for delegation of authority to the Chief Executive and Chair of the Authority for a further response be submitted on behalf of National Parks Wales.

05/14 Pembrokeshire County Council’s Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance – Biodiversity
The report advises Members of the recent consultation by Pembrokeshire County Council on the above draft Supplementary Planning Guidance and seeks approval of powers to delegate to Officers submission of comments on behalf of the Authority, if considered necessary, subject to approval by the Chairs of the National Park Authority and the Development Management Committee.

06/14 Endorsement of the First Review of the Regional Technical Statement for Aggregates
Members are asked to agree delegated powers to the Development Management Committee to approve the National Park Authority’s final response and endorsement of the Regional Technical Statement (RTS) 1st Review for Aggregates.

07/14 Delegation of Matters Relating to the Discharge of Planning (and other) Conditions in Relation to Officer/Member/Authority Applications
The purpose of this report is to recommend changes to the Authority’s Scheme of Delegation in respect of the discharge of conditions

08/14 Draft Improvement Plan 2014/15 Part 1
To ask Members to comment on the draft Improvement Plan 2014/15 Part 1.

09/14 Re-gearing of the Newport Harbour Foreshore Sub Lease
To seek the resolution of Members to grant the Cymdeithas Cychod Afon Nyfer AC Harbwr Trefdraeth a lease renewal of the foreshore at Newport Harbour to extend their continuing management of mooring activity within the harbour.

10/14 Welsh Government Consultation on Regional Engagement Partnership Structures in the Tourism Sector
This report seeks authorisation for the Chief Executive and Chair of the Authority to submit any representations arising from the proposed Welsh Government consultation on regional engagement partnership structures in the tourism sector.

11/14 Commission for Public Service Governance and Delivery
The report outlines the recommendations of the Commission for Public Service Governance and Delivery – the Williams Commission

12/14 Standards Committee – Re-Appointment of Independent Member
To confirm the re-appointment of Mr Roger Barrett-Evans as an Independent Member of the Authority’s Standards Committee

13/14 Review of Review Committees
This paper invites Members to comment on the structure of the Authority’s Review Committees.

14/14 Member Development – Role Descriptions and Future Training Programme
The report asks Members to adopt a suite of Member role descriptions and person specifications, and to agree a Member Development Training Plan for 2014/15.

15/14 Proposed Standards Relating to the Welsh Language
To appraise Members of the publication of the Welsh Government’s proposed standards relating to the Welsh language.

16/14 Storm Damage to Public Rights of Way and National Park Authority Properties, January 2014
To bring Members’ attention to the extent of the storm damage experienced in early January 2014; the response of the National Park Authority and its implications for the work of the Authority.


Wed, 11 Dec 2013

Download Minutes

1.    To receive apologies for absence

2.    To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3.    To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 23rdOctober, 2013

4.    To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not thesubject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5.    To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 16thOctober and 11thNovember, 2013,

(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6.    To consider the report of the meeting of the Conservation and Planning Review Committee held on 16thOctober, 2013

7.    To consider the report of the meeting of the Recreation and Tourism Review Committee held on 13thNovember, 2013

8.    To consider the following reports:

66/13 Draft Environment (Wales) Bill Consultation – White Paper
This report outlines Welsh Government’s proposals for an Environment (Wales) Bill and invites Members’ input to the consultation.

67/13 Atlantic Array Offshore Wind Farm
This report notes the decision by RWE Npower Renewables Ltd not to pursue the Atlantic Array Offshore Wind farm proposal.

68/13 National Park Management Plan
This report invites Members to consider technical updates to the current National Park Management Plan (2009-13) and to approve them for consultation.

69/13 Supplementary Planning Guidance Documents:
• Cumulative Impact Of Wind Turbines On Landscape And Visual Amenity (New Guidance)
• Seascapes (New Guidance)
• Sustainable Design (Update)
The report advises Members of the responses received on the above public consultation and to recommend to Members to adopt the guidance documents for development management purposes.

70/13 Consultation Response to the First Review of the Regional Technical Statement (RTS) for Aggregates
Members are asked to agree delegated powers to the Development Management Committee to agree the National Park Authority response to the above consultation by Welsh Government.

71/13 Request from the RNLI to Extend their Existing Fundraising Activities on National Park Beaches
Members are asked to approve RNLI fundraising on three Park Authority-owned beaches and to extend the period of time that is available for fundraising activities by the RNLI.

72/13 Regularisation of Encroachments over National Park Authority Owned Land at Poppit Sands
To seek the resolution of Members for the transfer of NPA owned land into private ownership under our existing policy for regularising historical encroachments in the interests of good estate management.

73/13 Management Arrangements for Solva and Saundersfoot Car Parks
To determine the management arrangements for Solva and Saundersfoot car parks.

74/13 Review of Committees
This report invites Members to comment on the structure of the Authority’s Performance Review Committees.

75/13 Travel Policy
To adopt a Travel Policy for Member attendance at meetings, conferences, events authorised by the National Park Authority.

76/13 Consultation by Independent Remuneration Panel
Members are invited to consider a consultation by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales on remuneration for Members of National Park Authorities in Wales.

77/13 Local Dispute Resolution
The report recommends adoption of the Local Resolution Protocol attached to the report.

78/13 Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013
For information; to bring Members’ attention to the Active Travel Act and its implications for the work of the National Park Authority.

Wed, 23 Oct 2013

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18th September, 2013

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 18th September, 2013,  (Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on the 11th September, 2013

7.  To consider the following reports (white papers):

53/13 Improvement Assessment Letter
Mr John Roberts from the Wales Audit Office will present the report and answer any questions from Members.

54/13 Improvement Plan 2012/13 Part 2:
This reports on the progress against the work programme proposed in the Improvement Plan Part 1 for the year 2012/13.

55/13 Little Haven Boat Park
This report is to seek the resolution of Members for the granting of a lease renewal to the Little Haven Boat Owners Association of National Park owned land known as the Little Haven Boat Park

56/13 National Park Management Plan
This report invites Members’ endorsement of a proposal for an interim (technical) update of the current National Park Management Plan (2009-13).

57/13 Relevant representation submitted with regard to the Atlantic Array
This report presents the Relevant Representation made by the Authority on the Atlantic Array Offshore Windfarm (‘Atlantic Array’) proposals.  The report also outlines the next steps in the application process.

58/13 Relevant representation submitted with regard to South Hook Power Plant Applications
This report presents the Relevant Representation made by the Authority on the proposal for a combined heat and power plant adjacent to the South Hook LNG terminal.  The report also outlines the next steps in the application process.

59/13 Consultation – P.D. Rights (electronic)
This Report is to inform members of a Welsh Government Consultation regarding proposed additional permitted development rights for electronic communications code operators and to endorse the recommended response

60/13 Voluntary Cap on Indemnities
This report proposes implementing a voluntary cap on indemnities to Members of the Authority in relation to their defence of an alleged breach against the Members’ Code of Conduct

61/13 Report from Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales
This report is to inform Members of the consultation draft Annual Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales on the proposed level of Members’ salaries for 2014/15.

62/13 Grievance Committee
This report is to establish and adopt the composition and terms of reference of Disciplinary and Grievance Committees.

63/13 Scrutiny – Final Report
This report is to consider the final report and findings of the Scrutiny Committee on affordable housing. Report with hyperlinks

64/13 Annual Monitoring Report Local Development Plan
This report seeks approval for the submission  to the Welsh Government of the Annual Monitoring Report for the Local Development Plan

8. To consider correspondence from Cllr. R Owen in relation to the sale of the Authority’s Land Holding at Sageston

Wed, 18 Sep 2013

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7th August 2013

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 17th July, 2013,  (Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit & Corporate Services Review Committee held on the 7th August, 2013

7. To consider the report of the meeting of Standards Committee held on the 21st August 2013

8. To consider the following reports:

50/13 ISA260 Report to those Charged with Governance
This presentation requests Members to consider and accept the ISA260 Report from the Wales Audit Office

51/13 Welsh Government Consultation on Taking The Long View: Draft Policy Statement For Protected Landscapes In Wales
This report seeks Members’ approval for a proposed response to Welsh Government’s consultation “Taking the Long View: Consultation on the draft Policy Statement for Protected Landscapes in Wales”.

52/13 Response To Welsh Government Consultation On The Proposed Heritage Bill For Wales (The Future Of Our Past)
The report asks Members to consider and approve the Authority’s response to the Welsh Government’s consultation on the proposed Heritage Bill for Wales

Wed, 7 Aug 2013

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on
(a) 26th June, 2013 (AGM)
(b) 26th June, 2013 (Ordinary Meeting)

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 3rd June 2013, 19th June 2013 and 26th June, 2013,
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel held on the 8th May 2013

7.  To consider the reports of the meetings of the Conservation and Planning Review Committee held on the 19th June, 2013 and 26th June 2013

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit & Corporate Services Review Committee held on the 26th June, 2013

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Recreation and Tourism Review Committee held on the 26th June 2013  and 17th July 2013

10. To welcome, and confirm the appointment of, Councillor OW James to the National Park Authority

11. To fill the vacancies on the under-mentioned Committees and outside bodies arising as a result of the resignation of Councillor JA Brinsden:

Development Management Committee
Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee
Personnel Committee

Outside bodies
South West Wales Area Environment Group (EA Wales)
South West Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party – Regional Technical Statement Member Forum (Substitute Member for Mr A Archer)

12. To fill the vacancy on the Standards Committee caused by the election of Councillor M James as Chairman of the Authority.  Other Members of the Committee are Councillor B Kilmister and Mrs G Hayward.

13. To consider the following reports:

39/13 Draft Statement of Accounts 2012/13
This report is the 2012/13 Draft Statement of Accounts, it is for information purposes only and members are requested to note the contents.

40/13 Discussion on the Welsh Government Consultation on Taking The Long View: Draft Policy Statement For Protected Landscapes In Wales
The report seeks to canvass Members’ opinion on the Welsh Government’s recently published draft policy statement for protected landscapes in Wales.

41/13 Response to Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water Consultation Plans For 2015 – 2021
The report asks Members to consider and approve the response to Dwr Cymru’s 2015 – 2021 Investment Plan consultation.

42/13 Response to Welsh Government Consultation on Draft Technical Advice Note (TAN) 23 Economic Development
The report asked Members to consider and approve the response to the Welsh Government’s consultation on a new draft Technical Advice Note (TAN) 23 relating to Economic Development.

43/13 Consultation Response to the Revision of Planning Policy Wales (PPW) “Chapter 12 Infrastructure and Services” and Technical Advice Note (TAN) 21 “Waste” By Welsh Government
Members are asked to note your officer’s response on behalf of the Authority to the above draft consultation documents on national planning policy and guidance by Welsh Government.

44/13 Future Management and Prioritisation of Public Rights of Way (PROW) in The National Park
This Report is to advise Members of the current situation with regard to the management of public rights of way in the National Park and to seek approval to adopt a prioritisation approach for the future management of public rights of way, including delegation of authority to take enforcement action.

45/13 Conservation Area Grants
This report is to seek Members’ approval to allocate grants where they exceed £10,000, in addition to providing general information on the allocation of grants for 2013-14.

46/13 Update on the disposal of the Authority’s Land Holding at Sageston (north)
This report updates Members on the disposal of the Authority’s Land Holding at Sageston (north)

47/13 Member Role Description
The report sets out the updated role description for Members for their consideration and adoption.

48/13 UK Park Societies’ Conference 2013
Members are asked to determine attendance at the UK Park Societies’ Conference 2013.

49/13 Joint Scrutiny Project with Snowdonia National Park Authority
The report asks for nomination of five Members to work with Snowdonia National Park Authority on a joint scrutiny project.


Wed, 26 Jun 2013

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 24th April, 2013

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 20th March, 2013, 8th April 2013, 17th April, 2013 and 22nd May 2013
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meetings of the Scrutiny Committee held on the 10th April, 2013

7.  To consider the report of the meeting of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 8th May, 2013

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit & Corporate Services Review Committee 15th May, 2013

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Member Development strategy Working Group held on 15th May 2013

10. To confirm the substitution by Mrs Gwyneth Hayward of Mr Ted Sangster at the SDF Committee held on the 8th May and Mr Allan Archer at the Member Development Strategy Working Group held on the 15th May 2013

11. To consider the following reports:

27/13 Strategic Grant Letter 2013-14
This Report is to ask Members to receive the strategic grant letter for the current year

28/13 Risk Management Strategy
A draft Risk Management Strategy, setting out the roles and responsibilities, reporting and monitoring is presented for Members’ consideration and comments before being formally adopted.

29/13 Response to Major Incident
This Report is to ask Members to confirm the response procedures.

30/13 Annual Governance Statement for 2012/13
The purpose of this report is to present to Members the Authority’s Annual Governance Statement for 2012/13.

31/13 Trading Strategy
Members are requested to approve the Trading Strategy for the years 2013 to 2018.

32/13 Grant Approvals in Accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (Revised 2012)
Authorisation is required in accordance with Section 78 of the Financial Standards (2012) which states that where there is a payment of ‘Total value Grant and Sponsorships under any one agreement over £10,000’, approval must be obtained from the National Park Authority.

33/13 Supplementary Planning Guidance – Accessibility & Low Impact Development Making a Positive Contribution (One Planet Development)
To advise Members of the response received on the above consultation and to ask Members to adopt the guidance for development management purposes.

34/13 Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance on the Cumulative Impact of Wind Turbines & Seascape Character & an Update to the Adopted Sustainable Design Guidance
To seek Members’ approval to consult on draft supplementary planning guidance on the subjects of cumulative impact of turbines and seascape character and an update to an adopted supplementary planning guidance on sustainable design. Each guidance document has been prepared to support the policies and proposals of the Local Development Plan.
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Seascape Character Assessment Complete Document

35/13 Delegation of Matters Relating to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects
The purpose of this report is to recommend changes to the Authority’s Scheme of Delegation in respect of applications for nationally significant infrastructure projects submitted to the Planning Inspectorate and to note the responses sent in relation to the Combined Heat and Power Plant, South Hook, Herbrandston.

36/13 Member Development Strategy
To adopt the revised Member Development Strategy and Member Support and Development Programme and to agree a method for future review.

37/13 Welsh Language Scheme: Annual Monitoring Report
Members are asked to endorse the report as the Authority’s submission to the Welsh Language Commissioner

38/13 Annual Summary Report – Mosaic Cymru Project
To provide an update to Members on the Mosaic Project; an initiative led by the Campaign for National Parks (CNP) to increase the number of black and ethnic minority people who visit National Parks in Wales.

12. To receive an update on the Welsh Government’s Draft Protected Landscape Policy.

Wed, 26 Jun 2013

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1. To appoint a Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received:  Councillor M James

2. To appoint a Deputy Chair for the ensuing year

Nomination received:  Mr EA Sangster

3. To receive apologies for absence

4. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

5. To consider the report of the Administration & Democratic Services Manager on Membership of Committees, Groups and External Organisations 
This report reviews the appointment of Members to the Authority’s internal Committees, Groups and External Organisations and seeks confirmation of those appointments

Wed, 24 Apr 2013

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 6th February, 2013 

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 9th January, 2013, 23rd January, 2013, 20th February, 2013 and 4th March, 2013
(Copies of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on the 18th December, 2012

7. To consider the report of the meetings of the Scrutiny Committee held on the 23rd January, 2013 and 6th March, 2013

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Conservation and Planning Review Committee held on 6th February, 2013

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit & Corporate Services Review Committee 27th February, 2013 

10. To consider the report of the meeting of the Member Development strategy Working Group held on 27th February 2013

11. To consider the report of the meeting of the Recreation and Tourism Review Committee held on 13th March, 2013

12. To confirm the substitution of Cllr. R Lewis by Cllr. M James at the meeting of the Employee Forum held on 13th March, 2013

13. To consider the following reports:

14/13 Annual Improvement Report
This report is to ask Members to receive the Annual Improvement Report from Wales Audit Office.
15/13 Pembrokeshire County Council’s Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance
This Report is to consider the content of four draft Supplementary Planning Guidance documents to Pembrokeshire County Council’s recently adopted Local Development Plan.
16/13 South West Wales Economic Development Strategy
The report provides members with background information on the emerging economic development strategy and action plan for South West Wales and proposes that a scrutiny review is undertaken of the Authority’s approach to meeting its socio-economic duty as defined under Section 62 of the Environment Act 1995.
17/13 Active Travel Report
The report brings to Members’ attention the Active Travel Bill and its implications for the work of the National Park Authority.
18/13 Investigation into potential application for Geopark Status
This Report is to ask Members to confirm that no further action should be taken at present on this matter
19/13 Internal Audit Report 2012/13
This report is to notify Members of the findings and planned actions following the Internal Audit.
20/13 Improvement Plan 2013/14 – Part 1
This Report is to ask Members to adopt the Improvement Plan 2013/14 Part 1.
21/13 Risk Register
This Report is to ask Members to confirm the Risk Register
22/13 Variation of Major Contract Standing Order No. 13
This report is to request Members to endorse the use of the Authority’s Major Contracts Standing Order No 13 for the contract to repair the road at Skrinkle Haven
23/13 Review of the Authority’s Property Portfolio Asset Management Policy
This paper presents a revised and updated Property Portfolio Asset Management Policy for the consideration of Members.
24/13 Members Survey
This Report is to provide Members with an analysis of the recently undertaken Members’ survey in relation to meetings and meeting papers and to canvass Members’ opinion on the issues raised as a result.
25/13 Calendar of Meetings 2013/2014
Members are asked to approve the calendar of meetings for the forthcoming year.
26/13 Corporate Events
This Report is for Members to determine and authorise the level of representation at corporate events

14. To consider an oral Report by the Chief Executive on the provision of Legal Services to the Authority.

15. To receive an update on the Welsh Government’s Draft Protected Landscape Policy.

Wed, 6 Feb 2013

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12th December, 2012

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 21st November 2012 and 19th December 2012
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Recreation and Tourism Review Committee held on the 21st November 2012

7. To consider the report of the meetings of the Scrutiny Committee held on the 28th November 2012

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on the 16th January 2013

9. To confirm the substitution of Mrs M Thomas by Ms C Gwyther at the meeting of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on 16th January 2013

10. To consider the following reports:

01/13 Draft Budget Planning 2013/14-2015/16
This report presents the draft Revenue and Capital budgets for 2013/14 and implications on reserves, the draft 2014/15 Levy on Pembrokeshire County Council, prudential indicators for the capital programme and an Investment Strategy & Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2013/14

02/13 Corporate Plan 2013/14
This report is to seek approval for the Corporate Strategy 2013/14

03/13 Pembrokeshire Destination Management Plan 2013-2018
This report is to request that Members formally adopt the ‘2013 – 2018 Pembrokeshire Destination Management Plan’ as the key document to guide service delivery in relation to tourism in the county.

04/13 Draft Single Integrated Plan 2013-2018
This report is to seek Members approval for the proposed response to the above consultation.

05/13 Welsh Government Consultation – Non Material Amendments to Planning Permissions
The report informs Members of a Welsh Government consultation in respect of proposed changes to introduce a statutory procedure for approving non-material amendments to existing planning permissions and seeks their support for the proposed response to the consultation document

06/13 Welsh Government Consultation On Proposals For A Sustainable Development Bill: White Paper – A Sustainable Wales – Better Choices For A Better Future
The purpose of report is to inform Members of a Welsh Government (WG) consultation on a White Paper in respect of proposals for a Sustainable Development Bill and to seek support for the proposed response to the consultation document

07/13 Validation Of Planning Applications
The report informs Members of the reasons why a number of applications are not being validated by officers.

08/13 Management Of Saundersfoot And Solva Car Parks
To consider arrangements for the management of Saundersfoot Regency and Solva Car Parks for the 2013 season.

09/13 Risk Register
To provide guidelines for Members on their role of monitoring the Authority’s Risk Register

10/13 Update – PCNPA Management Of Car Parks
To update Members on progress regarding Officer discussions with Pembrokeshire County Council to expand the scope of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority’s existing legal enforcement powers for car park sites that are presently managed (owned or leased) by the Park Authority.

11/13 Proposed undergrounding of existing overhead utility supplies at Caerfarchell
To consider a proposal to underground the existing overhead utility network within the designated Caerfarchell Conservation area

12/13 Response To The Consultation By The Wales Audit Office On Proposed Local Government Audit And Inspection Fees For 2013-2014.
To inform members the response submitted by the Authority to this consultation

13/13 The Wales Charter For Member Support And Development
The report seeks authorisation to apply to the Welsh Local Government Association for re-assessment of the Authority’s Charter Status and asks Members to agree the WLGA’s revised New Criteria and Assessment Process for Member Support and Development

11. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

12. Oriel y Parc Café Licence
To agree renewal of the Oriel y Parc café licence

Wed, 12 Dec 2012

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on:
a) 26th September, 2012
b) 21st November, 2012 (Extraordinary Meeting)

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 22nd August 2012, 3rd September 2012, 26th September 2012 and 24th October 2012
(Copy of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meetings of the Scrutiny Committee held on the 22nd August and 12th September 2012

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Sustainable Development Fund Committee held on the 3rd October 2012

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Conservation and Planning Review Committee held on the 17th October 2012

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Member Development Strategy Working Group held on the 24th October 2012

10. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive’s Performance Review Panel held on the 7th November 2012

11. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit & Corporate Services Review Committee held on the 7th November, 2012

12. To consider the report of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on the 14th November 2012

13. To consider the following reports:

53/12 Improvement Assessment And Annual Audit Letter
To receive a presentation from Mr John Roberts of the Wales Audit Office

54/12 Mobile Infrastructure Project
The purpose of this report and presentation by Lionel Spencer of the Department for Culture, Media & Sport on the day of the meeting is to brief Members on the above project and the possible implications for this National Park

55/12 Supplementary Planning Guidance: Recreation – Report Of Consultation
The purpose of this report is to advise Members of the response received on the above consultation and to ask Members to adopt the guidance for development management purposes

56/12 Consultation On The Choicehomes@Pembrokeshire Allocation Policy (Draft)
The report seeks approval of the National Park Authority’s response to the above consultation

57/12 Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance On Low Impact Development Making A Positive Contribution (One Planet Developments)
The purpose of the report is to seek Members approval to consult on draft supplementary planning guidance on the subject of low impact development which has been prepared to support the policies and proposals of the Local Development Plan

58/12 Woodland Policy
The report sets out the National Park Authority’s current role and priorities in woodland management

59/12 Risk Register
To consider the allocation of entries on the Authority’s Risk Register to individual Members

60/12 Draft Corporate Strategy 2013/14
The purpose of the report is to enable Members to consider and comment on the draft Corporate Strategy

61/12 Conservation Area Grants Administration
This Report recommends several changes to the administration of the allocation of the Conservation Areas Grants including a scheme of delegation

62/12 Welsh Government Consultation – Proposed Changes to Non-Domestic Permitted Development Rights
The purpose of this report is to seek member’s endorsement for the response to the consultation

63/12 Retention of Investors in People Accreditation
This report updates members on the Authority’s successful retention of its Investors in People (IiP) accreditation at the recent review and invites any considerations arising from the assessor’s report

64/12 Welsh Language Scheme: Annual Monitoring Report
Members are requested to endorse the Annual Monitoring Report as the Authority’s submission to the Welsh Language Board

14. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

15. Possible Purchase Of Replacement Work Base
Members are asked to authorise the Estates Officer to pursue the possible acquisition of a replacement work base for one of the area teams


Wed, 21 Nov 2012

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To consider a report by the Estates Officer on behalf of the Projects and Property Group on Disposal of approximately 0.05 acres of land forming part of the Authority’s existing land ownership at Plantation Wood, Saundersfoot in accordance with the Authority’s adopted Encroachment Policy (Report 52/12).

Wed, 26 Sep 2012

Download Minutes

1.  To receive apologies for absence

2.  To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3.  To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8th August, 2012 

4.  To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5.  To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management Committee held on the 18th July, 2012

6.  To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit & Corporate Services Review Committee held on the 5th September, 2012

7.  To confirm the substitution of Councillor RM Lewis by Councillor PJ Morgan at the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Committee held on 5th September, 2012

8.  To consider the following reports:

41/12 Improvement Assessment Report
To receive a presentation of the Improvement Assessment from Mr John Roberts – Wales Audit Office

42/12 Improvement Plan Part 2
To approve the Improvement Plan Part 2

43/12 Risk Register
This report is to approve the proposed changes to the Risk Register

44/12 ISA260 Report to those Charged with Governance
This presentation requests Members to consider and accept the ISA260 Report from the Wales Audit Office

45/12 Financial Standards Update
This report requests Members to approve the updated Financial Standards which are reviewed on a four yearly cycle

46/12 Draft Service Level Agreement (SLA) – Oriel Y Parc
This report is to seek approval of the revised Service Level Agreement between Amgueddfa Cymru/National Museum Wales and the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority

47/12 2012 Annual Monitoring Report on the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
This Report is to assess the extent to which the Local Development Plan Strategy and Policies are being achieved

48/12 Review of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Management Plan
To agree the timetable for preparing the review to the Management Plan and to agree the way in which it will be prepared

49/12 Monitoring Officer’s Report
This is an annual report setting out the nature and background of the Monitoring Officer’s Reports

50/12 Report on the Authority’s Land Holding at Sageston
This report is to update Members on the progress of the residential development of land at Sageston

51/12 Report on Discussions on Car Parks with Pembrokeshire County Council
A brief report requesting authority for PCNPA to enter into discussions with a range of agencies regarding joint management of parking sites. In particular, the paper seeks permission for PCNPA to request a revised Parking Order from PCC.

9.  To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12, 13, 14 and 16 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

10.  Update on Key Risks
To receive an oral update in connection with prospective court proceedings.

Wed, 8 Aug 2012

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes (green papers) of the meetings held on
a) 13th June 2012 (AGM)
b) 13th June 2012 (Ordinary Meeting)

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 16th May, 2012 and 20th June, 2012.  (Copies of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Conservation and Planning Review Committee held on the 16th May, 2012

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Recreation and Tourism Review Committee held on 18th July, 2012

8. To consider the following reports:

33/12 Draft Statement of Accounts 2011/12
This report is the 2011/12 Draft Statement of Accounts, it is for information purposes only and members are requested to note the contents.

34/12 Review of procedures for licensing the activities of Third Parties on National Park Controlled Land
This report is for Members to endorse the approach to licensing the activities of third parties on National Park Controlled land

35/12 Proposed acquisition and disposal of land by the Authority at Solva Car Park
This report is for Members to authorise Officers to proceed with the acquisition and disposal of land at Solva Car Park

36/12 Welsh Government White Paper; Consultation on Active Travel (Wales) Bill
This report is to bring Members’ attention to the implications of the White Paper for the work of the National Park Authority and seek Members’ approval for officers to respond to the consultation.

37/12 Housing White Paper: Homes for Wales: A White Paper for better lives and communities
The purpose of this report is to seek Members formal approval of the National Park Authority response to the above paper.   This report concentrates on the planning issues arising from the paper.

38/12 Conservation Area Grant Funding
To determine the method for receiving information concerning the distribution of Conservation Area Grant funding.

39/12 Scrutiny
To determine a work programme of scrutiny for the authority

40/12 Welsh Government White Paper Consultation on Promoting Local Democracy
The report asks Members to comment on a draft response by officers to the Welsh Government White Paper Consultation on Promoting Local Democracy

Wed, 13 Jun 2012

Download Minutes

1.  To receive apologies for absence

2.  To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3.  To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 28th March 2012

4.  To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5.  To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 21st March 2012 and the 2nd April 2012 (Copies of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6.  To consider the report of the meeting of the Recreation and Tourism Review Committee held on the 28th March 2012

7.  To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on the 9th May 2012

8.  To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel held on the 21st March 2012 and re-convened on the 9th May 2012

9.  To confirm the substitution of Councillor RM Lewis by Councillor PJ Morgan at the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on the 9th May 2012

10.  To consider the following reports:

24/12 Improvement Plan 2012/13 Part 1

The purpose of this report is to seek Members’ approval of the Improvement Plan 2012-13 (Part 1)

25/12 Wales Audit Office Regulatory Programme for Performance Audit 2012-13

Members are asked to receive the Wales Audit Office Regulatory Programme for Performance Audit 2012-13

26/12 Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance

The purpose of this report is to seek Members’ approval to consult on further draft supplementary planning guidance which has been prepared to support the policies and proposals of the Local Development Plan

27/12 Response to the Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan

The purpose of this report is to advise Members of the response received on the above consultation and to ask Members to adopt the guidance for development management purposes subject to the Officer recommended changes

28/12 Freshwater East Boat Park Lease Renewal

This report seeks authority to the granting of a lease renewal to the Freshwater East Boatman and Fisherman’s Association

29/12 Marine Conservation Zones – Potential Site Options for Welsh Waters

This report describes Welsh Government’s current consultation on 10 potential Highly Protected Marine Conservation Zones in Welsh waters, and seeks Members’ approval for an outline response to the consultation

30/12 Corporate events

Members are asked to determine the level of representation at various corporate events to which the Authority has been invited

31/12 Members’ Salaries 2012/13

The purpose of this report is to remind established Members and inform recently appointed ones of the new Members’ salaries arrangement as a result of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’ extended remit and powers provided by the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, and also to canvass Members’ opinion on the payment of Senior Salaries

32/12 Scrutiny

To introduce a more formal and robust framework to enable the Authority to better scrutinise aspects of its work

Wed, 13 Jun 2012

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1.  To appoint a Chair for the ensuing year

2.  To appoint a Deputy Chair for the ensuing year

3.  To receive apologies for absence

4.  To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

5.  To consider the report of the Administration and Democratic Services Manager on Membership of Committees, Groups and External Organisations

This report reviews the appointment of Members to the Authority’s internal Committees, Groups and External Organisations and seeks confirmation of those appointments

Wed, 28 Mar 2012

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1.  To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 1st February, 2012.

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the report of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 14th December, 2011, 25th January, 2012, 22nd February, 2012 (Copies of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Conservation and Planning Review Committee held on the 25th January, 2012

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on 1st February, 2012

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the SDF Committee held on 24th February, 2012

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Continuous Improvement Group held on 16th November, 2011

10. To consider the following reports:

08/12 Variations to Car Park Charges
This report is to consider revising car park charges at Newgale Pebbles

09/12 Equalities Plan
This report is to approve the Equalities Plan

10/12 Corporate Strategy 2012 – 2014
This report is to approve the Corporate Strategy for 2012/13

11/12 People Strategy 2012-2015
This report asks members to approve the People Strategy for the period April 2012 to March 2015.

12/12 National Park Management Plan – Interim Change Report
This report summarises progress and change relating to the National Park Management Plan 2009-2013, including updates to ‘state of the Park’ information.

13/12 Sustaining a Living Wales – Green Paper Response
This report contains a proposed response by PCNPA to the Welsh Government’s consultation Sustaining a Living Wales: a Green Paper on a new approach to natural resource management in Wales.

14/12 Planning for Sustainability – a consultation from Welsh Government
This report is to request delegation to deal with this matter at the next Development Management Committee meeting.

15/12 Proposed Disposal of National Park owned land at Blockett
Farm, Little Haven

This Report is to ask Members to authorise the disposal of land at Blockett Farm

16/12 Maintenance of Public Rights of Way: Authority to enter land
This Report is to ask Members to authorise the Chief Executive (National Park Officer) to authorise appropriate individual members of staff to enter land for the purposes of public rights of way management.

17/12 Calendar of Meetings 2012/13
This Report is to ask Members to approve the calendar of meeting for 2012/13

18/12 Annual Governance Statement
The purpose of this report is to present to Members the Authority’s Annual Governance Statement for 2011/12.

19/12 Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) Governance
This Report is for Members to consider options and a proposal for future consideration of applications to both the SDF and the Little Green Grant (LGG)

20/12 Presentation of Annual Improvement Report by Wales Audit Office
This report is to introduce a presentation of the Annual Improvement Report by Wales Audit Office.

21/12 Pembrokeshire County Council’s Local Development Plan: Focussed Changes Consultation
This report asks for authorisation for the Chief Executive, Chair and Vice-Chair of the Authority to submit any representations arising from the proposed Focussed Changes to their Local Development Plan that Pembrokeshire County Council has published for consultation.

22/12 Carew Castle Lease
This report is to approve Lease arrangements

23/12 Response to WG consultation ‘Shared Purpose – Shared Delivery’
To agree a response to the Welsh Government’s consultation “Shared Purpose – Shared Delivery”

11. To receive an oral update on the provision of Legal Services in the future.

12. To receive an oral update on the Welsh Members Seminar.

Wed, 1 Feb 2012

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1. To receive apologies for absence.

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect
of any item of business.

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 7th December, 2011.

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a
further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda.

5. To receive the report of the meeting of the Development Management
Committee held on the 16th November, 2011. (Copies of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee).

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Recreation and Tourism
Review Committee
held on the 14th December, 2011

7. To elect a Lead Member for Biodiversity.

8. To consider the following reports (white papers):

01/12 The Call for Evidence  ‘Towards a Welsh Planning Act:  Ensuring the Planning System Delivers’
To request that Members authorise a response to the Welsh Government’s questionnaire on the above subject.

02/12 Delegation of Enforcement
The purpose of this report is to seek delegation of certain enforcement matters.

03/12 Draft Budget Planning 2012/13-2014/15
This report presents the draft Revenue and Capital budgets for 2012/13 and implications on reserves, the draft 2013/14 Levy on Pembrokeshire County Council, prudential indicators for the capital programme and an Investment Strategy & Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2012/13

04/12 Social Inclusion and Child Poverty Action Plan
This Report is to seek Member endorsement of the ‘Interim Social Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan for the Welsh National Park Authorities 2011-2014’ prior to PCNPA undertaking a consultation exercise with local groups to seek wider approval of the Authority’s ongoing approach to social inclusion.

05/12 Proposals for New Projects and Activities – Information on “Origins”, Mosaic, “Your Park, Your Future” and a proposed Feasibility Study on the National Park being designated a Geopark
To provide Members with information and seek approval for new projects that the Authority proposes to undertake or support from 2012 onwards.

06/12 Pembrokeshire Coast National Park 60th Anniversary
To provide an update to Members on the programme of events celebrating the Park’s 60th anniversary.

07/12 Delegation of Authority to Development Management Committee on Consultation
To request authority for Development Management Committee to consider and respond to the Welsh Government’s consultation on Revisions to Chapter 7 of Planning Policy Wales – supporting the economy.

Wed, 7 Dec 2011

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on
a) 12th October, 2011
b) 16th November, 2011 (Extraordinary Meeting)

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 21st September, 2011, the 19th October, 2011 and the 31st October, 2011
(Copies of the above-mentioned reports have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Conservation and Planning Review Committee held on the 28th September, 2011

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on the 28th September, 2011

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee held on the 26th October, 2011

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel held on the 26th October, 2011

10. To welcome, and confirm the appointment of, Mrs Melinda Thomas and Mr Allan Archer to the National Park Authority

11. To fill the vacancies on the under-mentioned Committees arising as a result of the terms of office of Mrs Fiona Lanc and Mr Richard Howells coming to an end:

Development Management Committee (two vacancies)
Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee (one vacancy)
Recreation and Tourism Review Committee (one vacancy)
Personnel Committee (one vacancy)
Employee Forum (one vacancy)

12. To confirm Mrs G Hayward as the Authority’s representative on the Campaign for National Parks in place of Mr D Ellis

13. To consider the following reports (white papers):

62/11 Management of the Reserved Spaces in Little Haven Car Park
This report seeks approval for the charging of reserved spaces in Little Haven Car Park.

63/11 Review of the Public Participation Scheme at Development Management Committee Meetings and Site Inspections and the submission of documents in relation to Committee Items
This report is to recommend changes to the public participation scheme at Development Management Committee meetings and site inspections, the protocol in relation to Member requests for items to be considered by the Committee and the submission of correspondence in respect of Committee items.

64/11 Iron Man Agreement
This report is to seek approval for the Authority’s continuing financial support of the Ironman Wales event for a further 2 years.

65/11 Welsh Members’ Seminar
The report seeks to update Members on activities to organise the National Parks Wales Annual Members’ Seminar.

Wed, 12 Oct 2011

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on
a) 10th August 2011
b) 21st September 2011 (Extraordinary Meeting)

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 20th July, 2011 and 24th August, 2011. (Copies of the above-mentioned report have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To receive the reports of the meeting of Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee of 3rd August 2011.

7. To receive the reports of the meetings of Recreation and Tourism Review Committee of 24th August 2011 (to follow)

8. To delegate authority to the Development Management Committee at its November meeting to respond to the Welsh Government’s consultation paper:  ‘Improving the Planning Appeal Process’.  Officers are currently working up a draft response.  The deadline for the consultation response is 17th November 2011.

9. To consider the following reports:

Response to the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan  52/115252/11 Response to the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
The purpose of this report is to advise Members of the response received on the above consultation and to ask Members to adopt the guidance for development management purposes subject to the Officer recommended changes. The topics are Conservation Area Proposals for 13 Conservation Areas, Regionally Important Geodiversity Sites, Renewable Energy Supplementary Planning Guidance and Shop Front Design.

53/11 Local Development Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance Drafts for Consultation
The purpose of this report is to seek Members approval to consult on further supplementary planning guidance which has been prepared to support the policies and proposals of the Local Development Plan. The topics are Field Scale Solar Panels, Siting and Design of Farm Buildings and Recreational and Leisure Activities.

54/11 2011 Annual Monitoring Report on the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
This report seeks Member approval for the 1st Annual Monitoring Report to the Local Development Plan. The Annual Monitoring Report is required to be submitted annually to the Welsh Government and should assess the extent to which the Local Development Plan strategy and policies are being achieved.

55/11 Annual Report of the Monitoring Officer
This informs Members of the reports that have been prepared since November 2010.

56/11 Monitoring and Actions following recommendation of Monitoring Officer into complaints against PCNPA 2011 (including Bettws Newydd)
This report brings together recommendations made by the Monitoring Officer following his investigation into complaints made against the National Park Authority in the previous year.  It identifies what actions have or should be taken by the Authority in response to these recommendations.

57/11 Scrutiny study report of the Sustainable Development Fund schemes of the
Brecon Beacons National Park Authority and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority

The Report presents evidence to Members of the contribution made by the respective Parks’ Sustainable Development Fund schemes to the development of low carbon communities and assists Members in considering how best to take the SDF schemes forward.

10. To receive an update on Oriel Y Parc Cafe Licence

11. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12, 14 and 16 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.

58/11 Issues relating to Carew Castle
This Paper outlines the assessment and recommendations of your Officers in respect of three matters relating to the Carew Castle site:
1.  The proposed replacement of the current portakabins by a permanent building with the benefit of grant funding which would also embrace additional works.
2. Authorising urgent repair work to the Carew Causeway.
3. Determining the appropriate response to an unsolicited expression of interest from a third party in operating and running (on terms) the Carew Castle site

59/11  Variations of Major Contract Standing Order No. 13
To seek endorsement of a decision to instruct, as a matter of urgency, external legal representation in connection with prospective court proceedings


Wed, 21 Sep 2011

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To receive a report by the Chief Financial Officer presenting the Wales Audit Office’s ISA260 Report: Communication Concerning Financial Statements to those Charged with Governance (Report 50/11).

4. To consider a report by the Head of Development Management seeking endorsement on the response to the Welsh Government Consultation – Realising the Potential of Pre-Application Discussions (Report 51/11).

Wed, 10 Aug 2011

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on
a) 22nd June 2011 (AGM)
b) 22nd June 2011 (Ordinary Meeting)

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 15th June 2011 and 27th June 2011.

(Copies of the above-mentioned report have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive Performance Review Panel held on 15th June 2011

7. To receive the reports of the meetings of :
a) the Development Management Committee held on 22nd June 2011; and
b) the following meetings held on the 20th July 2011:
i) Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee;
ii) the Recreation and Tourism Review Committee;
iii) the Conservation and Planning Review Committee, and
iv) the Personnel Committee

8. To determine the level of attendance at the Wales Standards Conference hosted by Powys County Council to be held on 5th October 2011. The Authority is invited to send up to 6 delegates and the cost is £60 per delegate.

9. To delegate authority to the Development Management Committee at its September meeting to respond to the Welsh Government’s consultation paper: ‘Realising the potential of pre-application discussions’. Officers are currently working up a draft response. The deadline for the consultation response is 28th September 2011.

10. To consider the following reports:

42/11 Corporate Assessment Update
To receive a report on the Corporate Assessment

43/11 Improvement Plan Part 2
To approve the Improvement Plan Part 2 for 2010/11

44/11 Carmarthenshire County Council Deposit Local Development Plan
This report asks Members’ approval to make a representation on Carmarthenshire County Council’s Local Development Plan requesting that adequate reference is included in the Plan to the proximity of the National Park and to Park Purposes.

45/11 Proposed Disposal of a small area of National Park owned land at Freshwater East known as ‘The Turning Circle’
The report proposes disposal of a small area of National Park owned land at Freshwater East abutting Jason Road known as ‘The Turning Circle’

46/11 Pembrokeshire Marine Code
This is a paper for members’ information and concerns changes in the role and application of the Pembrokeshire Marine Code in which the NPA is a funding partner. The code is managed by Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum in conjunction with the Pembrokeshire Outdoor Charter. Work has focussed on promoting membership of the code group especially with the operators of wildlife boat trips. Following difficulties in mediating potential code breakages and problems of funding the role of the officer coordinating the work, the funding group agreed to refocus the work of the code more onto providing good practice information for a wider range of water users and to reduce the membership and promotional element of the code.

47/11 Pembrokeshire Community Strategy – Annual Review
The purpose of this report is to update Members on the work of the Community Strategy and Leadership Partnership in delivering the actions outlined in the Pembrokeshire Community Plan 2010-2025.

48/11 The Bribery Act 2010
The report informs Members of the existence of the Bribery Act 2010 and asks that they note the action being taken by Officers to ensure that the Authority has robust policies/procedures in place to mitigate against possible acts of bribery by, or on behalf of, the Authority

11. To consider any other items of business, that by reason of special circumstance, the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972

12. To consider the following reports:

49/11 Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Draft Annual Report
This report refers to the Panel’s first Annual Report to be based on its extended powers and functions following the passing of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011. The report sets out the level of Members’ allowances for 2012/13 proposed by the Panel and asks for Members’ comments thereon.

Wed, 22 Jun 2011

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1. Chairman’s announcements

2. To appoint a Chairman for the ensuing year

Nomination received: Councillor JA Brinsden

3. To appoint a Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year

Nominations received: Councillor RM Lewis
Councillor M Williams

4. To receive apologies for absence

5. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

6. To consider the report of the Administration & Democratic Services Manager on Membership of Committees, Outside Organisations, etc. and appointment of Lead Members
This report seeks a review of the appointment of Members to the Authority’s internal Committees, Groups and outside organisations and appointment of Lead Members

Wed, 22 Jun 2011

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11th May 2011

4. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

5. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 20th April 2011 and 18th May 2011

(Copies of the above-mentioned report have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

6. To consider the report of the meeting of the Oriel y Parc Committee held on the 20th April 2011 

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Performance Review Committee held on the 4th May 2011

8. To consider the following reports:

31/11 Response to the Draft Planning Enforcement and Compliance Policy
The report advises of the response received on the above consultation and asks Members to adopt the policy for development management purposes subject to the Officer recommended changes

32/11 Response to The Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan
The purpose of this report is to advise Members of the response received on the above consultation and to ask Members to adopt the guidance for development management purposes subject to the Officer recommended changes.
Extract from Landscape Character Assessment (Appendix D Cont)

33/11 Proposed Property Transactions with the National Trust at Garn Fawr, Maidenhall and Marloes Sands Car Parks
A report to consider the proposed freehold sale of Garn Fawr & Maidenhall car parks and the granting of a new occupational lease at Marloes Sands car park by the National Park to the National Trust

34/11 Freshwater East Slipway Management
The report asks Members to consider a future management regime for the slipway at Freshwater East beach in order to meet the ongoing commitment to maintain the service and facilities provided at the slipway.

35/11 Draft Recreation Management Plan
The purpose of the report is to outline the process and responses from the public consultation on the draft Recreation Plan for the National Park, and to seek Members’ agreement for the plan to be finalised, for a resulting action plan to be agreed and for both to be published.

36/11 Corporate events
Members are asked to determine the level of representation at various corporate events to which the Authority has been invited.

37/11 Members’ Allowances
This report asks Members to consider whether or not to adopt:

– the revised HM Revenue and Customs travel rate, and
– the payment of Special Responsibility Allowances to the Chairs of the newly established Review Committees and the Vice-Chair of the Development Management Committee.

38/11 Welsh Language Scheme: Annual Monitoring Report 2010/11
The report details the Authority’s Annual Monitoring Report for 2010/11, which the Authority is required to present to the Welsh Language Board under Section 7 of its Welsh Language Scheme

39/11 Explanatory Foreword to 2010/11 Accounts
This report is the Explanatory Foreword to the 2010/11 Draft Statement of Accounts. This is for information purposes only and members are requested to note the contents

40/11 Review of Centres
A detailed report examining the current operational activities across the 5 visitor centres & attractions owned and managed by PCNPA. The report seeks Members’ endorsement of a range of actions designed to reduce the medium-term running costs over a 2-3 year period

41/11 Proposed undergrounding of existing overhead utility supplies at Martins Haven
A report by the Asset Management Group to consider the opportunity to underground the existing overhead electricity network at Martins Haven in partnership with Western Power Distribution

9. To consider any other items of business, that by reason of special circumstance, the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972

Wed, 11 May 2011

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. Chairman’s Announcements

3. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

4. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 30th March 2011

5. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 23rd March 2011

(Copies of the above-mentioned report have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Member Development Strategy Working Group held on the 30th March 2011

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Conservation Area Grants Panel held on the 8th April 2011

9. To consider the following reports:

25/11 Complaints about Procedure (and others) of the Bettws Newydd Planning Applications and subsequent Appeal
The purpose of the report is to respond to the complaints raised by Newport Town Council, Bettws Newydd Opposition Group (BNOG) and other members of the public; to address any issues that arise following the Inspector’s decision to allow the appeal; to identify points on which the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority could learn lessons and put in place, administrative or other processes which could assist in providing a robust planning service in the longer term.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5

26/11 Annual Governance Statement
The purpose of this report is to present to Members the Authority’s Annual Governance Statement for 2010/11.

27/11 Winter Car Parking Charges at Oriel y Parc
To consider replacing charging at Oriel y Parc car park with a donations option during the winter months.

28/11 Terms of Reference for Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee, Recreation and Tourism Review Committee and Conservation and Planning Review Committee
The report seeks agreement of Terms of Reference for the newly established Audit & Corporate Services Review, Conservation & Planning Review and Recreation & Tourism Review Committees.

29/11 Procedure for nominating Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Authority and its Committees
The report seeks to formally agree the procedure for nominating Members to the offices of Chair and Vice-Chair of the National Park Authority and its Committees and to reflect such procedure in the Authority’s Standing Orders.

30/11 Review of External Organisations to which Members are Appointed to Represent the National Park Authority
The report undertakes a review of the external organisations upon which the Authority is represented at Member level.

15. To consider any other items of business, that by reason of special circumstance, the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972

Wed, 30 Mar 2011

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. Chairman’s Announcements

3. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

4. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on:
(a) 2nd February 2011
(b) 23rd February 2011 (Extraordinary Meeting)

5. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 26th January 2011 and the 23rd February 2011

(Copies of the above-mentioned report have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the SDF Grant Assessment Panel held on the 19th January 2011

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Oriel y Parc Committee held on 26th January 2011

9. To consider the report of the meeting of the Performance Review Committee held on 9th February 2011

10. To consider the level of attendance at the Association of National Park Authorities Members’ Workshop to be held on 24th and 25th May 2011 at the Royal York Hotel, York on the subject of “The Value of National Parks”

11. To consider the following reports:

13/11 Corporate Strategy 2011 – 2014
To approve the Corporate Strategy 2011 – 2014

14/11 Management of the reserved spaces in Little Haven Car Park
To authorise delegation of allocation of reserved parking spaces to the community group.

15/11 HM Coastguard Proposals for Modernisation Consultation 2010
HM Coastguard have produced a paper on a proposed reorganisation of Coastguard services in the UK. The key issue for the National Park Authority is the proposed closure of the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre at Milford Haven and the downgrading of the Swansea centre as part of a reduction of centres to two inter-linked Maritime Operations Centres near Southampton and at Aberdeen. Members are asked to support the response which has to be submitted before 5th May.

16/11 Request from RNLI for additional fundraising on beaches 
For the last three years the RNLI have had authorisation from the Authority to carry out limited fundraising on beaches owned or leased by the NPA. They have now requested a longer period to operate and, because this is the only group that we allow to carry out fundraising in this way, we are asking the Authority to consider their proposal.

17/11 Network Infrastructure Improvement Report
Approval is sought for expenditure to improve the network infrastructure

18/11 Local Development Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance Drafts for Consultation
The purpose of this report is to seek Members approval to consult on a range of supplementary planning guidance prepared to support the policies and proposals of the Local Development Plan.

Conservation Area Proposals for:
Caldey island
Little Haven
Newport and Newport Parrog (single document)
St David’s

Regionally Important Geodiversity Sites (RIGS) Supplementary Planning Guidance

Renewable Energy Supplementary Planning Guidance
Figure 9-1
Figure 9-2
Figure 9-3
Landscape Areas in Appendix 2

Shopfront Design Supplementary Planning Guidance

19/11 Response to the Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Local Development Plan on Affordable Housing 
The purpose of this report is to share with Members the representations received on the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance consultation; to agree the Authority’s response to those representations and to finalise the guidance.

20/11 A proposed Partnership Agreement with the owners of Allt Pontfaen Woodland Group 
Approval is sought to progress a Partnership Agreement with the owners of Allt Pontfaen Woodland Group in the Gwaun Valley. This will enable PCNPA to bid for, administer and claim grant aid from the Forestry Commission to continue to manage the site.

21/11 Proposed Application to Cadw for Delegated Powers to Process Listed Building Consent Applications
To inform Members of an invitation to this Authority from Cadw to make a case for the delegation of decision-making for listed building consent applications, and to recommend that this Authority endeavours to achieve delegated status.

22/11 Timetable of Meetings 2011-2012
The report proposes a timetable of meetings for the forthcoming year.

23/11 Complaints about Procedure (and others) of the Bettws Newydd Planning Applications and subsequent Appeal 
The purpose of the report is to respond to the complaints raised by Newport Town Council, Bettws Newydd Opposition Group (BNOG) and other members of the public; to address any issues that arise following the Inspector’s decision to allow the appeal; to identify points on which the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority could learn lessons and put in place, administrative or other processes which could assist in providing a robust planning service in the longer term

12. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 14 and 12 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

13. To consider a report on Future Opportunities for National Park Centres (Report 24/11)

14. To receive a presentation by the Chief Executive on Workforce matters

15. To consider any other items of business, that by reason of special circumstance, the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972


Wed, 23 Feb 2011

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1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To consider whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item due to the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972

4. To consider a report on behalf of the Senior Management Team on the disposal of National Park Authority owned land at Bonvilles Court, Saundersfoot

Wed, 2 Feb 2011

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. Chairman’s Announcements

3. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

4. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8th December 2010

5. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 17th November 2010 and the 15th December 2010

(Copies of the above-mentioned report have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Member Development Strategy Working Group held on the 15th December 2010

8. To consider the following reports:

Report No. Subject and Summary Officer


01/11 Community Engagement

A review of PCNPA’s recent approach to engaging local communities in the National Park. The report provides a brief summary of the main review document, produced by Community Development Cymru, with specific recommendations relating to future work in this area. The paper will be jointly presented by James Parkin, Director of Recreation, Marketing & Communications at PCNPA and the Chief Executive of Community Development Cymru, Derith Powell.

Director of Recreation, Marketing and Communications





Budget Planning 2011/12-2013/14

This report seeks Members’ determination of an approved budget for 2011/12 and associated issues, and advises on indicative budgets for 2012/13 and 2013/14.

Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer


03/11 Redundancy Compensationand Retirement/Pay protection

This report asks members to endorse the Reorganisation/Redundancy Policy and to approve the recommended pay protection arrangements.

Personnel Manager


04/11 People Strategy

This report asks members to approve the People Strategy for the period January 2011 to March 2012.  Workforce Plan referred to in People Strategy.

Personnel Manager


05/11 CE Performance Review Panel Composition

This report seeks to establish membership of this panel for 2011-12

Personnel Manager


06/11 Sageston Northside

To request authorisation to progress the residential development of this site at Sageston.

Senior Management Team


07/11 Car Parking Charges

To consider increases in car park charges

Head of Business Management


08/11 Response to Ceredigion County Council Deposit Local Development Plan

The purpose of this report is to advise Members of the current public consultation exercise on Ceredigion County Council’s Deposit Local Development Plan and to ask for Authority approval to forward a response from this Authority.

Planning Officer (Development Plans)


09/11 Article 4 Directions

To inform members of the measures that are used to ensure that the fabric of our historic environment is conserved for future generations, to request consideration of the need to use Article 4 Directions as part of these conservation tools

Director of Planning and Conservation


10/11 Poppit Sands Café

This paper is to update Members and to seek approval to document a new lease that will provide the opportunity for a catering facility within the existing café building at Poppit Sands for the next 10 years.

Senior Management Team


11/11 Welsh Assembly Government Consultation – Proposed Changes to Householder Permitted Development Rights

To inform members of a Welsh Assembly Government consultation in respect of proposed changes to householder permitted development rights and to seek their support for the proposed response to the consultation document 

Head of Development Management


12/11 Planning Services Review

To receive the report by PriceWaterhouseCooper on Planning Services of the three Welsh National Park Authorities.

Head of Business Management


9. To consider any other items of business, that by reason of special circumstance, the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 

Wed, 8 Dec 2010

Download Minutes

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. Chairman’s Announcements

3. To receive any disclosures of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

4. To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on:
a) 29th September 2010
b) 20th October 2010 (Extraordinary Meeting)

5. To consider matters arising from the minutes that are not the subject of a further report or are not scheduled later on the Agenda

6. To receive the reports of the meetings of the Development Management Committee held on the 15th September 2010 and the 20th October 2010

(Copies of the above-mentioned report have been circulated at previous meetings of the Development Management Committee)

7. To consider the report of the meeting of the Performance Review Committee held on the 10th November 2010

8. To consider the report of the meeting of the Personnel Committee held on the 20th October 2010

9.  To consider the report of the meeting of the Oriel y Parc Committee held on the 27th October 2010

10. To consider the report of the meeting of the Standards Committee held on the 29th October 2010

11. To consider the report of the meeting of the SDF Advisory Panel held on the 17th November 2010

12. To consider the report of the meeting of the Chief Executive Review Panel held on the 23rd November 2010

13. To consider the report of the meeting of the Standards Committee Appointments Panel held on the 6th December 2010

14. To consider the following reports:

46/10 Community Engagement
A review of PCNPA’s recent approach to engaging local communities in the National Park. The report provides a brief summary of the main review document (attached), produced by Community Development Cymru, with specific recommendations relating to future work in this area. The paper will be jointly presented by James Parkin, Director of Recreation, Marketing & Communications at PCNPA and the Chief Executive of Community Development Cymru, Derith Powell.

47/10 Draft Corporate Strategy 2011/12 – 2013/14
This report provides members with an opportunity to consider and comment on the draft Corporate Strategy 2011-2014 and also agree to a consultation on its content with key stakeholders

48/10 Planning Enforcement Policy
The report brings to members an update on the work to date on the review of the planning enforcement function and seeks their support for the proposed enforcement policy

49/10 WAG Consultation – ‘A Living Wales’ (The Natural Environment Framework)
This report seeks PCNPA Members’ endorsement for a three-Park response on the Assembly’s consultation ‘A Living Wales’.

50/10 Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Local Development Plan
The purpose of this report is to seek Members approval to consult on a range of supplementary planning guidance prepared to support the policies and proposals of the Local Development Plan.

51/10 Committee Structure
The aim of the paper is to propose changes to the Committee Structure of the Authority.

52/10 Wales Charter for Member Support and Development: Advanced Charter Criteria
Members are asked to adopt the draft criteria appended to the report and to develop an Action Plan to work towards the Advanced Level.

53/10 Wales Charter for Member Support and Development: Continuous Development Discussions
Members are asked to commit to the introduction of Continuous Development Discussions as a tool to help Members carry out their role effectively.

54/10 Change Management Strategy
The report seeks to clarify at what level in the organisation decisions relating to changes in personnel and ways of working are made.

55/10 Independent Members of Standards Committee
The report will consider the recommendation of the Standards Committee Appointments Panel in relation to the vacancies for Independent Members of the Standards Committee

15. To consider any other items of business, that by reason of special circumstance, the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972